I've worked with minted on some projects in the past. Check them out here: http://www.minted.com/. They have some of the best designs out there. And the neatest facet of their business is that they are constantly looking for designers to showcase on their site. Amongst their card and stationary designs, they have chosen designers from around the country to be represented. What a neat opportunity for freelancers like me!
This holiday season, I was humbled when Minted chose to showcase some of my photography in their Christmas card designs. So, go to the above website, search through the holiday cards, and see if you recognize any familiar faces. You should be able to find not only all of my kiddos, but also our whole family represented amongst the many seasons greetings.
Ok...here's just one example...
But go to the minted site for many more!
So in conclusion, Merry Christmas from the 'Burke' Family...And no, we haven't changed our last name ;)
For the past several months, we have been campaigning. In case you've missed it thus far on the blog, my husband is a county supervisor which is an elected public office. {Some states call them commissioners instead of supervisors, if that helps you out-of-state blog followers.} He first ran for office back in 2003 and successfully won against the then democratic incumbent. Jason was only 24 years old when he was first elected into office, becoming the youngest supervisor ever elected.
After a four year term, Jason ran for re-election. Jason again faced the same man he had beat four years prior, who this time ran as an independent. And there was also a democratic challenger, making it a three-way race. Jason won handily.
When it came time to decide whether to run for re-election once again, Jason struggled with it. I told him I would support him in whatever he decided to do. After much prayer and prodding from county constituents, Jason did decide to run again. This was after the county convention had already taken place, which meant that Jason needed to be added onto the ballet via a write-in campaign due to the fact that he hadn't decided by the deadline to turn in declaration papers. Long story short, Jason successfully won a write-in campaign, only to face...you guessed it...the same man he had beaten four years prior, and four years prior to that! Well, the third time wasn't a charm for that man, because Jason once again is our county supervisor winning by over 60 percent of the votes!
We are so very blessed to have so many people willing to support Jason, not only with votes, but with hard work helping to getting him elected by putting up yard signs, walking in numerous parades, handing out literature door to door, etc. So a BIG 'thank-you' goes out to our family, friends and neighbors who helped us get elected. Jason does not take the position lightly, and truly strives to do what is best for our county to continue to have it be a place we're proud to call home.
Nevertheless, we are glad to have campaigning and another election behind us, and the kids are proud to say their dad won! Gabe's response: "I knew Dad would get it. He's the best! Why wouldn't he win!?!" Nothing sweeter than a son proud of his father...well, except four kiddos proud of their father of course!
I am so behind on my blogging. So much to share, so little time. And since time remains lacking for me these days, I will make this a 'few-words, many-photos' post of my trick-or-treaters. I think the photos speak for themselves.
So without further ado, here is my little pumpkin...
my fairy princess...
my Batman...
and last, but not least, my cowboy...
Oh how I love this crew of kiddos!
Really, I look at these photos and my heart bursts with joy. And with overwhelming humility that the Lord would bless Jason and I with such a great bunch of beautiful kids. Blessed, indeed.