Yes, to the mother of a newborn baby, 8 years old seems so very old. But believe me, those 8 years have flown by without warning. So cherish every minute, every hug, every kiss, every 'I love you mommy.' It all goes by so fast.
I plan to have a mini photo shoot with my eight-year-old, but I haven't had a chance as of yet. So, I'll instead share some photos from his eighth birthday party.
Gabe had two of his closest friends over to spend the night for his birthday. They're all on the same football team, so following practice we loaded up the Yukon and headed to Planet X, our local indoor fun center. Here are the boys in the backseat on the way to Planet X...
Gabe had two of his closest friends over to spend the night for his birthday. They're all on the same football team, so following practice we loaded up the Yukon and headed to Planet X, our local indoor fun center. Here are the boys in the backseat on the way to Planet X...

Little brother Cooper got to tag along for the fun, which he loved, even when he was being given the bunny ears...

My husband has been to Planet X many times, as a substitute teacher and youth pastor, but this was my first experience. It was a lot of fun, with so many games to play. There was ski ball, which apparently, Jason and Cooper take very seriously...

And bumper cars...

Tons of video games...

And even mini-bowling...

We stayed away from the mini-golf, as Gabe is a bit of a curse with a golf club (thought you'd appreciate that Val! ha!) Yes, Valerie's son, Brayden (who is Gabe's bud since they were practically born) had a birthday party a few years back in which the kids played put-put golf. There was an incident with Gabe, a golf club and Brayden's head, which led to poor Brayden having to spend the rest of his birthday in the emergency room with a gushing head wound. Ouch! Hence, Gabe being a curse with a golf club. But I digress...
With the tickets the boys won from their play time at Planet X, they all chose vampire teeth. Aren't they a scary crew...(DO click on the photo to view it larger. Aren't they a hoot!)
The next morning, the boys awoke to birthday cake and donuts. Such a well-balanced breakfast, I know...

Not sure what prompted Gabe to break out in a ballad, but ya can't help but love him...

And lots of presents and fun... (and bare bellies?...)

I think it's safe to say that Gabe had an awesome eighth birthday! And mom didn't shed too many tears either. I just wish there was a way to stop my babies from growing up so fast!
Happy birthday Gabe! We are so very proud to call you our son, and so very thankful for the heart God has given you. Go let that light shine and continue to be a blessing to others in your next eight wonderful years!