Friday, May 2, 2008

We Have Arrived

So, after months of consideration, we have officially entered into the world of blogging. I of course, being the scaredy cat that I am, was fearful of creating a blog due to the far fetched chance that we may somehow be inviting stalkers into our lives, but Jason assured me that we really aren't that interesting. But really, everyone has a blog now, don't they? And don't worry, I have researched all the do's and dont's of blog safety and rest assured, I'm not about to post our home address or social security numbers.
We want this site to be a way for our friends and family to keep in touch with us, know what's going on in our lives, no matter how menial, and to create a way to share our photos and memories with you. It's also such a neat way for me to not only share with you all, but to also keep a journal for myself. I love to journal, and this is way better than just words on paper!
Here's your fair warning: this site will most likely be highly focused on showing you how cute we are, lol. But really, expect to see many photos of the kids, which I'm sure is what many of you will be wanting to see anyway. And hopefully my journal entries won't bore you too much...many of you know how much I love to write and how long I can go on and on writing about any one subject! But ultimately I hope this site will be a way for us to share a little of ourselves with you, and most importantly a little of the joy the Lord has blessed us with as a family! So enjoy, and we hope to hear from our family and friends through this site!

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