Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today Gabe had a friend over to play at our house. Brayden is five, only two months younger than Gabe, and these two have pretty much grown up together. Our families go to the same church where the boys started Sunday School together, Awana together and they also go to the same preschool.
These two hit it off from the start. I think it is because they have so much in common...both love sports and are very competitive. Both are all boy and love things a typical boy loves. Both are silly and have the funniest conversations together. And most importantly, they play so well together. They share toys and never seem to fight over them. Even when we went on a Colorado ski trip together when the boys were only three, they still didn't fight over toys in the condo all week long (at that age, that's pretty impressive!) Gabe is truly fortunate to have a friend in Brayden, and I won't be surprised if they are friends for life.
Here's some photos of their fun day of play.

Gabe sliding on the water slide. Doesn't he look like a crazy man!

Brayden sliding on the water slide.

A cute photo of the boys.

Poor Cooper looks so beat up. He's had a lot of little scrapes and bruises lately from playing outside and he really does look like he's been through a battle! But, he's still happy about it :)

Here's Gabe, Cooper & Brayden on the trampoline. They were running in circles and having a blast!

I asked Gabe and Brayden to give me their best pose, and I thought it was funny that they both chose a "fighting" pose. They really are all boy!

Time for a water break!

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