Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Apparently I recorded over Gabe's dancing from the wedding reception, so I will have to try and recreate it later.
I did want to post some footage of Gabe & Cooper sliding down Les's giant sand dunes. We were out at Les & Terri's building site the other day and there are these giant hills where the ground was dug out for the basement of their house. And the dirt is more like sand, similar to the beach we have on our land. Anyway, the giant sand piles made for a wonderful time of play for the boys. I don't know if you'll be able to tell from the video clip, but they are rather large hills. And Gabe, who won't go down a water slide that is at all too tall, was for some reason fearless on these sand dunes. He would climb to the top, jump off the "cliff" and land halfway down the pile, sliding the rest of the way to the bottom. It was pretty funny.
This clip shows Gabe's fearless jump and then Coop getting a little too close and personal with some of the sand. Enjoy!

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