Sunday, July 27, 2008

County Fair

There's not a year that goes by that we don't go to the county fair in July. It's a sort of tradition for us, and definitely a tradition for Jason. He was in 4-H and FFA and showed chickens and rabbits at the fair for years growing up. He even went to the state fair in 1996 and won Grand Champion for his Derby Broiler Chickens. Pretty exciting for a farm boy! So, it's always fun to take the kids and take in all that the fair has to offer: animals, exhibits, rides, food, etc. This year, since detassling fell right at the same time, we almost didn't make it to fair. But we got a break from detassling today, so went right after church & sunday school. Here's the highlights:
The boys thought it was great that this hen had laid eggs.

Gabe watching a baby pig. The pig was so cute...he reminded us of Wilbur from 'Charlotte's Web.'

The boys & Jason petting the cows.

Chloe was sitting in her stroller and keeping a close watch on all the animals. She looked so serious, and kept jibber jabbering away in her own language, like she knew those animals would understand what she was saying.

The boys got to choose two rides. They first chose to ride the airplane. This was a ride Gabe was afraid of last year because he said it went 'too high & too fast.' But he wanted to go on it this time.

The second ride the boys chose was the always popular giant slide. Gabe was happy he beat Dad & Cooper down. I think it was just because Gabe got a head start, because Coop & Jason were flying down that slide. They actually got airborne on that last bump!

They had tractors on display, which Gabe quickly found and pretended to be Grandpa.

Here Cooper with a bit of a dirty face after we ate some fair food: hamburgers, walking tacos, chocolate shakes & ice cream cones. Does it get any better than that?!?

Chloe was asleep in her car seat by the time we got home. She was so tired!

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