Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fishing Part 2: The Big Catch

Today we went fishing on the large pontoon boat with several others family members we're vacationing with. The highlight of the trip was my big catch. I reeled in a Northern. That in itself could be blog worthy, because it was quite a large fish at 24 inches long and approximately 3 pounds! But the most amazing part was that I caught the fish while using Cooper's little CARS-themed fishing pole. Yes, this is one of those kid-sized fishing poles!
Now you may ask, 'why was Angie fishing with a kid's fishing pole?' I could say that Cooper got tired of fishing, handed me his pole, and viola, I caught the fish. But the truth is, my fishing reel is too complicated for me, and coupled with my lack of casting skills, I decided since Cooper was just playing on the boat instead of fishing, I'd just use his pole. So, here's to show that you don't need to spend the money on one of those high-end fishing poles. Just use your kid's pole!
Below is me, Cooper & the fish on the boat. You can see the little pole that caught the fish too!

Below, me holding the fish. Look at how the fish's mouth is open. He had big, pointy teeth! (Don't be overly impressed that I'm actually holding the fish. Moments after this photo was taken, the fish moved causing me to scream like a little girl and drop it. But don't I look brave for the photo?!?)

Jason caught the baby brother to the Northern I caught :) He also got a nice small-mouth bass. (Obviously I didn't pick out Jason's attire that morning! What a dork in his cut-off librarian Goodwill shirt.)

Here are the fish we caught on our morning outing. A nice batch I'd say. We were out for about four hours, and the boys did great on the boat.

Here's Chloe looking at the fish on the ground. 'Ewwww,' she says :)

Our fish made for a nice meal! Thanks for cooking them up Brad!

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