Monday, July 14, 2008

Random Vacation Photos

I wanted to share some photos from vacation that aren't from any one event, but were taken throughout the week. Enjoy!
Below, Cooper looking at and talking to the fish he caught all by himself.

The boys posing in their flotation suits. I'm not quite sure what's going on with Gabe's silly face.

Here's a view of our cabin from the dock. Our group was so big that we actually had two cabins at the resort to house all our vacationers.

I don't want to cut Chloe's hair, so unless there's a hair tie in place, she has hair in her face. Here's an example of Chloe's hairstyle courtesy of Jason...what a talent he is at doing hair! But according to the smile on Chloe's face, she doesn't seem to mind :)

I took this photo of Cooper shortly after he said, "Mom, these goggles are broken." I said, "They are?" He replied, "Yes, the water got in my eyes!" Well, as Cooper learned, it helps to actually put the goggles over your eyes and not on your forehead when putting your head underwater...just a helpful tip.

Dwight & Bonnie in the fishing boat.

Jason's Uncle Doyle & Great Aunt Fern. Aunt Fern is the one who treated everyone to this Minnesota fishing trip. At 94 years old, she still gets out in the boat and caught some fish with her pole! She's truly an amazing lady!

Jason & Cooper tubing behind Doug & Teresa's boat. Jason & I also went water skiing that day, but never got to try knee boarding. Maybe next time!

Tiffany, Jenny and the boys paddle boating.

Tiffany had some fun with the camera on the boat. Both Gabe & Cooper loved spending time with Tiffany, and I think they wanted to take her home with us :)

Both Gabe & Cooper had their try at driving the pontoon boat.

Nicholas thought since I'd had good luck with the kids' fishing poles, he'd try it too. He didn't have quite the same result, but I'm thinking he had a good time anyway!

Jason with a northern he caught. Look how he's holding it out in front of him to make it look bigger...tricky, tricky!

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