Friday, August 29, 2008


I was doing some painting yesterday and I had to go upstairs and look for a few of the brushes I had packed away from our move. When I left the basement, Chloe was still asleep and Cooper was playing with some trains. I was probably gone for about 5 minutes and when I came back, I didn’t see Cooper. It didn’t take long to hear that he was in Chloe’s room, talking to her. I walked into her room to find this:

Cooper had gotten all the baskets of toys from Chloe’s shelves and unloaded them all into her crib. The two of them were sitting in her bed as happy as can be. Cooper said, “Sorry mom, but Chloe was calling for you so I thought I’d help her play.” Awww, what a little babysitter Coop has become.
Of course, I ran and got the camera, and when Chloe saw me leave her room she immediately started crying. She was probably thinking, “Mom, don’t leave me in here in this mess with him!”
So when I returned with the camera, Chloe was no longer happy as you can see in the photos below. She just wanted out of that bed. But Cooper was so proud of himself, saying, “Mom, aren’t I a good big brother?”
{Also, notice Chloe’s hair, also Cooper’s handiwork. In addition to the toys in the crib, he had gotten down her hair accessories and chosen a headband for her to wear. I’d say he’s about as good at doing hair as Jason is!}

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