Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hola from Nicaragua

Tonight we are in Managua, Nicaragua, staying at a Best Western across from the airport. And after 7 days of extreme roughing it, we´re feeling pretty blessed just to be clean! (By roughing it, I mean, roughing showers for 6 days, going to the bathroom in a hole in the ground infested with cockroaches, sleeping on concrete floors, eating pre-packaged Tuna for 5 days straight, etc.) But more on that later!
I just wanted to update everyone to let you know what an awesome week we´ve had and that we´re safe and well. (The keyboard here is very different from in the states, so this post is going to be short because it´s taking me forever to type!) I promise there will be more detailed posts (& photos of course) about our trip and all the awesome ways God worked in us, through us, and in the hearts of those we encountered this week. God is so good and so faithful! But for now, please know we´re safe, we´re clean, we´re well and we´re anxious to get home tommorrow to see our families and to get back to civilization as we know it!
Thank you for your prayers and please pray that our group will have safe travel home tommorrow!

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