Sunday, August 24, 2008

Three Cheers for Comments

I have been trying to enable comments on my blog for a few days with no avail. But I got it figured out and now you can officially leave comments on this site! So, please feel free to do so. {Thanks by the way to those of you who have been sending me comments about the blog through e-mail. Now I've hopefully made it easier for you to communicate to me directly through the blog!}
Back when I was a newspaper editor and wrote for a daily publication, I would get feedback from readers through the 'letter to the editor' section. To me, comments on this site are like letters to the editor. They give me feedback and let me know what you think. They let me know that I'm not really crazy, that maybe you are experiencing some of the same things I am. Or maybe they let me know that you think I'm crazy, lol. Either way, I like feedback. I'd love to read your thoughts, and love to know who you are & what you think!
I have to tell you all, I am such a curious person who just plain likes to know things, like who out there from California, Pennsylvania, Texas, etc., is a follower of this blog. Do I know you, or did you just happen upon this site?
Please, please, please satisfy my curiosity by letting me know who you are. Don't worry if you're a blog stalker. I'm a blog stalker too, so we have something in common already!
So please, let the comments begin... go ahead...just click on the little 'comments' section at this end of this's located just to the right of the "posted by" section...right below this


  1. Well you already know I am your blog stalker.. Although I'm not sure it's stalking since you know :) I'm always wanting to leave you comments....You are probably going to want to remove them again after getting all mine :)

  2. Ahhh...Shawna, I would never remove your comments! :)

  3. I'm so glad I can leave comments now. I've been reading, though somewhat sporadically, and sometimes I just feel like I HAVE to leave a comment. And then I think I'll just e-mail you, and then I never get around to it. This will be fun.

