Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Big Bird

Beware: If taking photos of the Ostrich {a.k.a. Big Bird} at
Sanders Pumpkin Farm, watch out for his desire to bite your camera. It happened to me, it can happen to you!
{Here's Big Bird when he first noticed me.}

{I was thinking, "Awe Cute, he's smiling for the camera!"
Yeah right. He was scoping out his next meal!}

{Starting to close in...}

{Big Bird taking a bite. Yup, that's his throat!
It scared me half to death!}

No damage was done, but I will exercise caution the next time I'm taking photos of that bird!


  1. Yikes! That would be a site! We went there yesterday and Bonnie was moving pumpkins over by his fence. I was kind of freaked out when he was sticking his neck over the edge but didn't want to look like a wimp.. It's a good thing I didn't see this picture or I would have stayed CLEAR back ;)
    I don't like birds to begin with let alone ones bigger than me :)

  2. I remember once standing by Aunt Fern when Big Bird pecked her hand. I think Big Bird was going for the zipper on her jacket and then kinda caught her hand. Once she noticed, she just used her zipper to bravely play with Big Bird. I tucked my hands neatly into my pocket.

  3. I hear ya Shawna...I don't particularly like birds either. And the goats kinda freak me out too! And btw...Gabe heard from Grandma Bonnie that Kinzley was there and he was wishing he would have been there too :) Ahhh.

  4. I've seen Aunt Fern play with Big Bird too. She's not scared one bit!
