Monday, September 1, 2008

The Fun Must Go On.

Sore Throat.
Chest Pain.
Sinus Pain.
Sounds a little like one of those commercials, but those are some words to describe how I have been feeling the last few days.
I went to the doctor on Friday, and not only was I sick, but Chloe ended up having infections in both ears.
So, it's been a long few days. But we couldn't cancel all our plans, so the fun went on without me.
On Friday, Jason & Gabe went to a baseball game with some other guys from church. I made Jason take the camera and take a few photos...gotta have some blog material even when I'm sick, right?!?
{Below, Gabe with buddy Brayden and Brayden's little bro Easton. Quite the team they make, especially if Cooper had been along!}

Here's Gabe & Brayden what looks to be like talking to a giant ice cream cone. Huh...I'm not thinking that's the Kernals mascot! Should someone check that cone's Id? Also pictured to the left is Molly, the only girl that went along on the outing. But I'm sure Molly had a good time anyway. Gabe was sure glad she went...he likes Molly...a lot!

Molly was chosen to go on the field with some other kids and play a game where she had to throw a frisbee at a target. She was awarded a piggy bank and t-shirt for her efforts!

So let's now fast forward to Sunday. I was still feeling terrible, as was Chloe in the morning, so the guys went to church and we stayed home sick. Then after naps that afternoon, I was still feeling terrible, so Jason, the boys and Chloe went on to the Labor Day Party at his parent's house. They ate food, played volleyball and watched fireworks while I laid at home, sick.
Good times.
{Below, Gabe & Cooper riding the four wheeler with their buddy Doug, who fits in quite nicely with the boys...wonder why that is? No, but seriously, the boys do love Doug! }

{Chloe begging for more root beer float. Looks like she's already had a good the foam mustache!}

{Chloe, despite the messy hair, was feeling so much better last night. Her medicine must be working...I can't say the same about mine yet!}

So, it's Monday and I'm still feeling terrible. But this can't go on for much longer, right?!? Anyway, I'm glad the kids and Jason had a great weekend!

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