Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Harvest Moon

Jason & I looked outside last night about 8 p.m. to find this beautiful sight:

I knew it had an official name, so I looked it up online on the Farmers' Almanac website. What I found was that the official name for a full moon in September is called a Harvest Moon.

The Almanac said,
'This is the full Moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox. In two years out of three, the Harvest Moon comes in September, but in some years it occurs in October. At the peak of harvest, farmers can work late into the night by the light of this Moon. Usually the full Moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night, but for the few nights around the Harvest Moon, the Moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night: just 25 to 30 minutes later across the U.S., and only 10 to 20 minutes later for much of Canada and Europe. Corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice the chief Indian staples are now ready for gathering.'

When I think about earth's details like this beautiful Harvest Moon, I think about how awesome it is that God designed everything to a 'T'. Even the moon has it's purpose as a helpmate to the farmers working in the fall. How awesome to know that God takes care of us in every way possible.

Like the famous Casting Crowns song says,
'Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wandering heart.'

Isn't it awesome that even the details of the earth cry out God's love for us!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful picture! I love that song too.....
