Friday, November 7, 2008

Atalaya Castle

We have had such a great time on vacation!
We leave for home tomorrow, and our long 19 and a half hour drive. But the last two days have been a wonderful end to our time in Myrtle Beach, with the temperature warming to nearly 80 degrees both days! That made for great beach weather, and great times on our other outdoor adventures.
We visited Huntington Beach State Park yesterday, which has a great castle called Atalaya. I had seen it online and knew it'd be a great studio location for photos, so we had ourselves a photo shoot. The kids humored me pretty good, as did Jason...thanks guys!
So here's a few of the photos we captured. There are TONS of photos from our morning at the castle, so I really had to narrow it down!
This first photo was captured without them knowing, and I love it! You can see sweet little Cooper helping Chloe down the stairs!

Here's a couple of little miss Chloe...

And if Cooper were older, I think this could be his senior picture. I love his pose!

Here's a couple of Gabe (with his favorite hat by the way)...he's getting so big!

And here's one Jason took of me...better than some of my senior pics I think! The lighting in the castle was awesome for photos!

And Gabe took one of Jason and I...

I am so happy we got to have a little photo session, and were able to get some good shots from it! Who needs to pay a photographer anyway?

1 comment:

  1. Those are sooo good! I don't even know where to start. Love how you shot the kids thru the railing. Love Gabe in hi hat! Love the one of you standing there! What an awesome place to take pictures.
    Those are some frame worthy ones for sure.
    Have a safe trip home!!!
