Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ripley's Aquarium

Today we went to Ripley's Aquarium in Myrtle Beach. Well, I guess since it is now past midnight, it was technically yesterday. Regardless, we had such a great time.

Gabe liked the sting rays the most, while Cooper favored the clown fish, which he calls "Elmo," actually meaning to say "Nemo" as in the fish from "Finding Nemo." The kids' favorite sea creatures are also reflected in their choices from the gift shop. {We let the kids pick out a stuffed animal coutesy of grandma, who gave them spending money for vacation!} Gabe chose the sting ray and Coop chose a clown fish, which he's named "Elmo."

And then there's Chloe, who I think liked everything about the aquarium. She had her face pressed to the glass, yelling "fishies....fishies...fishies" over and over again. Chloe got many laughs from strangers at the aquarium who were entertained by her excitement and animation.

Jason put together a clip with the video footage we captured from our field trip, and chose a very appropriate background song for the video by "Three Crosses." What a perfect song for a outing to the aquarium. It truly is amazing when you see so many vastly different creatures of the sea, knowing that God created each and every one of them with unique design and purpose. It really brought tears to my eyes thinking of how much care God must have given creating these sea dwellers, yet how much more He cares for us! We have done nothing to deserve or earn His love, yet He loves us anyway. And since I'm already on bit of a tangent, I just want to remind everyone that God is always and forever in control of this world, no matter who was elected as our president.
So, back to the aquarium...check out the wonderful video Jason put together, which displays some of the wonders of God's creation.

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