Monday, December 1, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We had our first accumulation of snow this season over the weekend, and as expected, the kids were excited!
And mom was excited too!
Unlike a lot of adults, I am more like a kid when it comes to snow. I don't care that it needs shoveled, or can cause us to be stuck in our house for a few days. I just love the joy it brings to the kids and the way it makes the trees and fields look, so pristine and beautiful.
And to me, it makes Christmastime a little more real, and as I've mentioned before, I love Christmas!
Gabe got home off the school bus this afternoon with his snow pants already on, so I got Cooper dressed too and they went out to play. I got this photo of them with their giant snowball. {It was getting dark and my camera battery was getting low, please excuse the lack of crisp focus.}
I say, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

1 comment:

  1. Look at that big ball of snow they made! I love their little rosy cheeks :)

    Oh you are more than welcome to all our snow.. I don't mind it until Christmas then I'm good ;)
