Friday, January 2, 2009

We Ski

The boys got 'We Ski' for Christmas.
It's a game that you use with the Wii Fit Balance Board, and you actually go through the motions of skiing.
Fun game, but I think Gabe is addicted.
All day long he's asking, 'Can I play We Ski? Pleeeaaassse mom!'
I mean, seriously, just look at him...

He not only has his game face on, but also his ski goggles.
Gabe even chose his attire based on the activity...
The shirt, which says 'ski patrol', and the pants, adorned with skiers and snowboarders.
Addicted...Obsessed...both appropriate words to describe Gabe's feelings towards this game.

It is a fun game though...

And you even get to ride the ski lift...

But just ask Jason if it takes the place of real skiing...
the answer,
of course,


  1. We were going to get the girls a Wii this year but wasn't sure about it..It looks like it is lots of fun though. Do you have the Wii fit part? I wondered how that was..

  2. The Wii is fun. I do have the wii fit part too, and that's been really nice. Jason has used it more so far, since I've been sick. But it's like having a personal training to keep you going, and it logs your exercise each day. It also tell you your weight, BMI, etc, and helps keep track of fitness goals. You'll have to come over and check it out sometime after I feel better :)
