Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Gabe!

Today our little Gabe turned six.

It truly amazes me that it was six years ago that we welcomed our first little {no, make that BIG} baby into the world. At just over ten pounds, he seemed more like a three-month-old than a newborn, but today is becoming more and more of a big boy.

What can I say about Gabe. I am so proud of the boy he has become. Hardly a day goes by where Gabe doesn't ask me, "Mom, is there anything I can do to help you?' Gabe is kind and thoughtful for such a young man.

He's also independent, as he has been from day one. The strong willed spirit that was a handful as a toddler has now been molded into a drive and determination to accomplish. He always knows what he wants and works hard to achieve it. I'm sure this is a trait that will serve him well throughout his life.

Curious and observant are two other words I would use to describe our newly turned six-year-old. Gabe likes to know everything, to understand everything, and is always asking questions. Lately, he's really beginning to understand what it means to place your faith in Christ and live for Him. I know he's on the brink of truly grasping God's gift of Jesus's life to us, and nothing could bring me more joy than seeing my children grow to the point where they can really make a decision to live their lives for the Lord. After all, that's our call as parents, to raise our children up in the ways of the Lord so that they will not part from Him. My cup overfloweth just thinking about it! I can see the potential for Gabe to be a great leader someday, just like his dad. We already know he looks just like dad, might as well be just like him too!

I can't imagine my life without Gabe in it, nor would I ever want to. He's a blessing to our family, a wonderful big brother and son.

Happy Birthday Gabe!
Love, Mom.

{Gabe's silly face makes me laugh!
Really, what kind of smile is that!?!}

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