Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Under 100, and counting...

This post is thanks to Shawna for pointing out the pregnancy counter to the right and the number it displays. {Shawna, you really made my day by making this known to me!!!}

Do you notice the baby counter to the right of this post?
It says 99 days!
That's under 100!
Woo Hoo!
As I've so subtly hinted at, I really don't enjoy the nine months of pregnancy like some women do, so this is a great milestone for me!
And so that I stop getting nagged to post a pregnancy photo of myself, here's a couple quick shots Jason took of me this morning...

I honestly think this is the biggest I've ever been at this point in a pregnancy.
I know, it's not like I need to post a 'wide load' sign on my stomach. Jason actually laughs at me when I complain about how huge I am.
I'm still measuring small, BUT when you're used to hiding the baby in your freakishly long torso like I usually do, having a more normal pregnancy physique takes some getting used to.
I'm 26 weeks along and still getting over the ear infections I posted about last week.
But it definitely cheers me up to see the number in the pregnancy counter finally exhibit that I have under 100 days left!
I hope you all are doing well. I know from the emails, comments and blog counter that you're visiting, despite the lack of actual blog comments lately {smile}.
It really isn't that hard to set up a Google account to be able to post comments, I promise :)
Have a blessed day!


  1. :) You know when they talk about mommy brain and not quite being on top of your game as normal? Your ticker actually says 98 days not 99 :) You crack me up!!!

    You do look awful cute! Not cute enough to make me want to be in the same state but really cute.

    Evidently my readers (insert family and friends) don't know how to set up an account either. They CALL me on the phone to talk abou my posts!!!! SERIOUSLY!!! I even set up an account for my MIL and she STILL can't figure it out. I feel your pain :)

  2. Shawna...are you trying to make me go crazy?? Cause on my screen {and I just checked again} the ticker does say 99 days to go. Hmmm...maybe you're the one with the mommy brain. lol.

  3. Oh, and I really think you need to have another baby!!! Seriously, I just have this feeling, lol.

  4. WHAT? My screen says 98!!! How weird is THAT?!?!?!?

  5. That is so weird! I seriously just had Jason look at the screen and tell me that it actually does say 99. He confirmed it does. How odd! It is sad that I have to have my husband double check for me because I don't trust myself with my pregnant mind, lol.

  6. Angie you look so great! It's so funny that you bring up the "comments" issue since you're the only one who has ever commented on my blog ... you may be the only reader! (gasp)--But another thing is that I've had a difficult time commenting on other people's sites unless they have this Full window option selected in their settings ... and since I have no other way to contact them to ask them to do this I can leave no comment. It's frustrating isn't it!
    But I do read your blog HONEST! I'll comment more often :-)

  7. Thanks Valerie! Glad to be your only blog commenter, but I'm sure I'm not your only reader ;) !!

  8. I'm still reading, too. Even though I haven't commented or updated my blog really lately. I think you look fabulous! I love hearing about babies and mommies. It makes me happy. Good luck!

  9. Thanks Mama Pajama! But how about you...any thoughts of another little one gracing your household. With those two cute boys, I'm sure it's crossed your mind! ;)

  10. You look super cute! Yah, under 100 days! Chloe will make a great big sister. :-) Can't wait to see you all!

  11. Julie ~ Thanks. Still need to know when you're coming back to visit me in my pregnant state :)

  12. Sure do think about it. But it seems like a lot of work! Maybe some day. :-)
