Monday, May 18, 2009

Hershey's Track Meet 2009

Note: Every time I write one of these posts extensively describing my kids' latest accomplishments, I feel like I'm one step away from driving a mini van sporting one of those dreaded, 'My Kids and All-Stater' stickers. But after all, isn't that what family blogs like these are for? So, with that in mind...

Gabe competed in the area's annual Hershey's Track Meet on Thursday. This is his second year competing in the track meet, and apparently the experience proved to be quite here to read about last year's meet.
Although Gabe has proven to have a whole lot of natural athletic ability, we've noticed that he's also built for strength like his dad, and not so much for speed. With this in mind, we signed Gabe up for two field events and one track event as opposed to two track and one field.
But Gabe definitely proved us wrong. That competitive drive that is instilled deep in Gabe kicked in and overcame any speed he lacked, propelling him to win third place in the 50 meter dash for his age group. I would guess that there was probably 35 plus kids competing in this event, so a third place finish was no small feat. It just goes to show that having heart is just as important as natural ability!
Gabe also placed first in the long jump, and second in the softball throw!
If you're counting, that equals 3 ribbons and 1 very happy boy...

Needless to say, Gabe was so proud and kept saying, "I tried my best, I really did!" It's like we tell Gabe in everything he competes in, trying your best is all we ask. And on Thursday, his best was good enough to place, which of course is always a rewarding feeling!

Here's some highlights from the track meet...

The Long Jump...

Gabe was quite natural at using his arms to propel him far.

And here's Gabe sticking his first jump, good enough for a first place finish! Way to go Gabe!

The Softball Throw...

Finishing second place, right behind his best friend Brayden!

The 50 Meter Dash...

Gabe won his heat, and placed third overall in his age group.

Cooper enjoyed watching the event again this year, but is also looking forward to next year when he'll be five and be able to compete as well.


  1. Isn't it so fun to watch our kids do sports we used to do? No wonder my mom wanted me to do every sport. LOL
    It's a fine line to teach our kids while it's fun to win, it's about having fun win or lose. I think you and Jason do a great job of installing this in Gabe. The ribbons are just the icing on the cake.
