Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby Fever

Baby fever has struck!
I just got back from taking a meal to a friend who had a little boy a few days ago. Holding her very cute little guy made me long to hold my own little guy, who is currently kicking at my ribs. I'd much rather be holding him than having him kick me!

It's becoming more real to me...only about 5 1/2 more weeks until I'll have a newborn in my arms. I can't wait to hold him, smell him {love that newborn smell}, look at him and listen to him. There's nothing that compares to holding your newborn after nine long months of waiting, sickness, aches, pains and more sickness.

I have gotten all the baby essentials ready that I can. In the midst of an extreme home makeover {click to read about our project,} there's only so much you can do! But Jason did find the bin of newborn boy clothes that had been lost...big relief! With two big brothers and a clothing addict for a mom, this little guy has no need for any new threads! I've washed, dried and folded his entire wardrobe for the first three months of his life, gotten his co-sleeper bedding washed and the bed set up, and gotten out the infant car seat for cleaning.

There are a few loose ends however.
I am still needing to locate this in my packed away books...

I give this book credit for both Cooper and Chloe sleeping through the night so early on. I didn't have the book when Gabe was a baby, and he was a terrible sleeper and very colicky for the first few months of his life. Coincidence? I tend to think not. I'd recommend this book to any new mother, and plan to re-read it to refresh my own memory.

I also have to get a new one of these before the baby arrives...

For me, a bouncy seat is a life saver. I used a bouncy seat with all three kids. They all loved the seat, and I loved it too. It was so nice to have a place for baby to be entertained so that I could have my hands free to do some work around the house. The seat also worked wonders for soothing a fussy little one off to dreamland. Unfortunately, three kids is all our the seat made it through, as it is now broken {if I remember correctly, the boys are to blame for trying to sit in it with their baby sister...oops!} So, I will have to be getting another one.

But all in all, as far as I'm concerned, bring on the baby!
My fever is a risin'!

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