Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Last Day of the School Year, 2008-2009

{Taken June 1, 2009.}
Gabe on his last day of Kindergarten.

{Taken in August, 2009.}
Gabe on his first day of Kindergarten.

{Looking at these photos just goes to show how much Gabe has changed in the past year. He looks like such a big boy compared to the first day of school photo!}

Gabe came home from his last day of Kindergarten yesterday with his cap and diploma. He's officially a Kindergarten graduate! And, not only did he graduate from Kindergarten, but he did so with 'honors.' Gabe was awarded the Outstanding Citizenship Award. He was not expecting to receive this honor at the awards assembly at school, so needless to say he was very excited!

This year really has flown by.
Gabe is now a first grader.

As for Cooper, he finished his last day of three-year-old preschool and will be in the four-year-old preschool program in the fall. Cooper also came home from his last day of school sharing his success. He explained that Mrs. Ferguson told him what a good boy he was for never getting his name on the board all year long. {When kids are naughty at preschool, they get their name written on the board and have to sit with their heads down during play time and possibly, if the 'crime' was bad enough, they miss snacks too.} Cooper was so proud of himself for being so well-behaved at preschool.

Since our school district's grant funding went through, the four-year-old preschool will be state funded next year, providing free preschool to all four-year-olds. Cooper will go to preschool every morning, Monday through Thursday. And, Cooper will get to ride the school bus in the morning with his big brother, as the grant also provides transportation for all four-year-old preschoolers. It's an understatement to say that Cooper is excited about riding the bus, just like big brother!

The boys are looking forward to an exciting school year next fall. But, first things first...an eventful, fun-filled summer vacation!

Expect many t-ball, swimming and outdoor fun photos throughout the summer, in addition to before and after photos of the Sanders Extreme Home Makeover project with our goal being to finish the outside {sans the garage} by mid August. And lest we forget photos of our new little baby boy to arrive sometime in the next few weeks to come!

We will definitely not lack for excitement this summer vacation!

1 comment:

  1. Angie, I don't know how I stumbled on your blog, but I've enjoyed it for several days now. I leave the music playing long after I'm done reading. You have a beautiful family and take awesome pictures! Keep up the great blog work.... which will be a challenge after Aug!
