Monday, June 8, 2009

Out of Commission

Out of Commission. That's exactly what I've been for the past several days.

As Jason informed you all in his blog debut, I have been very sick with pneumonia and two ear infections. {By the way, isn't my husband the best! First of all, Jason hates writing, so for him to write a special post for me on my birthday meant so much! Secondly, I am so blessed to have a husband who cherishes me, just as I cherish him. Jason, your sweet words brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face just when I was feeling my worst. Thank you my love!}

I hate to jinx myself, but I do believe I am finally feeling better. I have received some much needed rest thanks to grandparents helping with the kids {THANK YOU ALL!} Their help was so appreciated, as Jason ended up getting sick with a sinus infection, and Chloe sick with bronchitis. We've basically been a wreck around our household. So far the boys have remained well, so that's a big praise, and I'm praying that we are now on the road to recovery.

So, thank you all for your prayers.
And thank you all for the many 30th birthday wishes! I still can't believe I'm actually the big 3-0! It seemed to pass me by without much thought, as the pneumonia was in full swing on my actual birthday.

Speaking of my birthday, I did receive a wonderful gift from the kids that I have to share with you all...

Do you see it there on the fireplace mantel?
Let me show you a little closer...

I had edited this photo right after Chloe's birthday and added the saying, 'Friends. Forever & Always, No Matter What.' The kids {and Jason} gave it to me on a canvas for my birthday. What a perfect gift!

As far as my gift from my wonderful husband, I will be getting this...

It's a Nikon 18 - 200 mm lens. This has been on my 'wish list' for awhile, along with a new camera to replace my failing D70 I purchased back in 2003. Right now the lens will work into the budget much more comfortably, so I will keep saving for the Nikon D300 SLR and for now have my D70 fixed {under factory recall} for the fifth time! {Hopefully it won't take a month to fix this time :( }

Despite the recent illness, I had a blessed birthday. I am in awe of how God provides just what we need when we need it, as He has done again through this sickness. Now I'm praying for a healthy remainder of this pregnancy, and a healthy addition to our family in under 60 days!


  1. We are so glad you are feeling better! I felt so bad that I had to read on your blog that you were so sick! Your birthday, although not as you may have envisioned, sounds like it had some memorable touches that were precious ... and that is so wonderful! (Good job Jason and kids!)
    And thanks for the comment on my blog--sometimes if it weren't for the traffic ticker keeping tabs I'd think you might be my only reader! You always have something so encouraging to say. And hey, I did order the crib sheets ... but I ordered 13! So I would be happy to let you donate 3 of those if you'd like to be a part of it! I took a deep breath and ordered a couple past where I felt comfortable in order to fill the shipping cost to the max amount at where it fell in their shipping price chart (did ya follow that logic?) It was such a great deal at 4.99 a piece I could NOT pass it up! Let me know if you need a receipt for tax purposes. (It is tax deductable.)
    Continue to heal!

  2. LOVE the canvas! That's such a great picture of the kids. And of course the lens :)
    I hope you continue to feel better. God doesn't give you more than you can handle...right? :)
