Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Favorite Photos Blog Hop

A few weeks ago, I participated in my first blog hop. When I saw that this week's blog hop was again about photos, I of course was all for it!

I have so many favorite photos, but a few stick out as being just a little more special. Not necessarily because they're the best of the best, but because they have a story. They represent a memory captured in time, a moment that will never be forgotten. And after all, isn't that what photography is all about.

These first two I chose because my oldest son, Gabe, who was five at the time, took these photo. They are of me and my daughter, Chloe. We were outside and I was suppose to be taking photos of my children, when Gabe wanted to take a turn behind the lens. I couldn't believe it when I pulled up the photos on the computer and saw what awesome images he had captured. I will treasure these photos of me and my daughter always.

This next photo was a lucky shot. I love it when I'm able to catch the kids doing what they do best, having fun. This is Gabe and his brother, Cooper, having fun wrestling in the yard. I like this photo because it's spontaneous and natural, and it captures two brothers having a great time together, which is so evident on both of their faces. And I LOVE the gum sticking out of Gabe's mouth. Priceless.

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. I blog hopped over to your place and I am glad I did. These are gorgeous pics! You have a beautiful family.

  2. Man you are on it today!!! I didn't get around to posting my favorites and I DON'T have a newborn! :)
    I like the way you explained why the pictures are meaningful to you. This reason is why I love taking photos. It's not always about the actual photo but about the memories behind it..

    PS.Speaking of photos! Guess what?!? Tyra's sister is getting married in May and wants me to take the wedding photos! It's an outdoor wedding in the evening so I could do it however it's a bit nerve wracking..
    I probably should have sent you an email with this super long comment ;)

    P.S.S. I'll let you know about the spinning class. I'll need to see when I can line up a babysitter :)

  3. Shawna! That's so awesome! She wants you to take her wedding photos because you rock! Way to go girl :) Let me know if you need an assistant...I love weddings, lol.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your little family is so very cute, love the pics!

  5. I see why they are your favorites what great smiles

  6. Awesome photos. What kind of camera do you use? What great memories those photos will be. I love pictures of me and my kids.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. We are a pastor's family of six also.

    Have a great day!

  7. Your son is a very talented photographer! Really fun pictures! Your family is SOOOOOOOOOO beautiful!!
    Heather-blog hoppin

  8. Chloe has grown up so much! I love that photos can help us hold those memories just a few moments longer. I can't imagine life without them. ack!

    Very beautiful photos :-)


  9. Hey thanks you for stopping by my blog on your hop. I actually looked at your photos and didn't have time to comment at the time. Anyway, your photos are so great! It looks like you make have a little photographer on your hands!
