Friday, August 28, 2009

Four Weeks Old

Today marks Gavin's four week birthday!

He still seems so small to me, like a newborn, yet he's a month old. This could have something to do with the fact that he was only a little over 7 pounds when he was born, while his oldest brother was 10 pounds. It's going to take Gavin a little while to gain the weight he needs to so that he seems older to this mom who is used to having larger babies!

But I am definitely not wanting him to have a growth spurt. I love this stage of life. Sleep deprivation aside, I am cherishing every minute with my little guy and love that he loves to be held and cuddled. I sit and watch him and marvel at the blessings God has given our family in the form of four healthy and happy children. Who am I that I deserve to be the mother of four such wonderful
{and spunky and fun and incredibly energetic} kids? It's only by the grace of God, and I thank Him for that grace every day!

I posted a sneak preview of a photo shoot I had with Gavin when he was two weeks old and haven't gotten around to posting the other photos. As you can imagine, it's been a bit busy around here. What better way to celebrate another milestone than by finally posting those pictures...

Love the sunburst in this photo...

Gavin smiles a lot in his sleep, but I couldn't believe I actually got not one, but two shots of him smiling. Talk about luck... {Click on the photos to see his beautiful grin larger.}

And I love sleeping baby photos. Doesn't he look so peaceful? Melts my heart...


  1. He is so precious!!! Cherish these days...I know I don't have to tell you how quickly they pass! Thanks for dropping by my blog again, and encouraging me with your comment!!!


  2. Oh I love your photos! Did you take them yourself? I love love love them!

    They are so peaceful when they sleep aren't they? My Sophie still curls her legs up and I love that too!

    He's a cutie for sure! I can't wait to see a pic of all three on your header!

    Have a great weekend!

    Smooches to your babe!


  3. Tina,

    Thanks for reminding me about the header!! I should get to work on that :) And yes, I did take the photos. It's a hobby {or rather an obsession} of mine, lol. Thanks for your kind comment! Your little Sophie is such a cutie too!

    Blessings to you!
    Angie :)

  4. Awesome photos Angie! And the shot of him smiling is SO especially sweet! (He's been listening to you photograph his brothers and sister I think!) You gotta take lots of photos because they grow SO FAST don't they?! It's so nice that this little guy didn't start out as a 10 lb-er so you can enjoy those tiny moments just a wee bit longer!

  5. Those pictures are so beautiful. Such a darling little guy! You should give us photo tips so we can try to have such beautiful pictures!
    I LOVE your header too!

  6. Great pics! He is soooo cute! Can't wait to meet him!

  7. Are you kidding me!?...those are SO stink'in CUTE!!!! I especially love the ones in the basket, where he is smiling...SO SWEET!! :)

    Soak in every moment, cuz they grow WAY too fast!


    Simply, PRECIOUS.

  8. How much can I pay you to take pictures of MY babies someday? Pretty sure you're awesome :]

  9. Emilie...

    That's sweet :) I'd love to take pics of your kiddos someday. Just make sure you find a husband first ;) Hope you're doing well. Stop out to Oak Grove sometime...we'd love to see ya there!
