Thursday, August 20, 2009

I {heart} workouts

I love to workout.
I know, I know. Some of you may think I'm kind of crazy. But I never dread a good workout. The reason I look forward to working out is because I love knowing I've enabled a healthier and stronger {and more mentally sane} me. It's not only good for me, but good for my kids, because I am much happier and much more positive when I am working out regularly. It really does relieve any of the daily stresses I experience in my busy life.

I compare it to my daily devotional. Being in God's Word daily is vital as a Christian trying to mature in my faith and never stop growing. Who wants to be stagnant? That's definitely not what God wants for us.

In the same way, regular workouts enable me to continue strengthening my body and keep a positive attitude about day to day life, which in turn makes for a happier mommy and wife for my kids and husband. And after all, God did give us our bodies to be treated as temples for Him. Exercising is a way we can make our temples strong!

But back to working out. Perhaps the one thing I've looked forward to doing most post pregnancy is starting regular workouts again. Coutesy of Netflix, I have started doing Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred dvd workout, thanks to my friend Shawna who highly recommended it as a workout that will kick your butt. And let me tell you, she was right! My butt has been kicked daily for the past week as I've endured these grueling workouts in my living room. After 9 months of pregnancy, my body is definitely out of shape and lacking the endurance I had built up prior to getting pregnant. But with the Shred, I know it won't be long until I'm back to where I was 9 months ago. And I'm even making Jason do it with me! So if you notice him walking with a limp or moaning in pain when you see him, the Shred is the reason why. It truly is a tough workout!

I am also excited to start a spinning class. I have never taken a spinning class before, but was asked by my cousin-in-law, Alexa, to design a logo for her new fitness business and in turn was invited to take her spinning class. I am so excited to take part in the class and know it will be a great one with Alexa as the teacher. She is knowledgeable about all things 'fitness' and keeps an intense workout going that pushes you to your limits. It's always been my philosophy that if you're going to put in a workout, then do it 100 percent to make the most difference you can with the time you put in. I know I'll get that in any class Alexa leads.

Which leads me to a great opportunity to put in a plug for Alexa's new business. It's called Vitality: Beyond Fitness. Here's the logo:

If you live in my area, then consider taking part in a spinning class. Email me if you're interested and I can get you in touch with Alexa for more information. She also has plans to add other fitness classes and nutrition counseling to the services her business provides in the near future.

And as Jillian says, no one has an excuse not to work out! So start a workout routine today! You'll be glad you did :)


  1. Spinning class, never done it before. Is the class around the Vinton area? I had a baby 4 months ago and am still out of shape! - Nicole Druschel

  2. Hey Nicole! Yes, the class is in Vinton, at the Kettlebell Advantage Center {Mark Erickson's studio} next to G&G Auto Parts. Email Alexa {Moore} Schirm at to sign up. The 6 week session starts August 31. {Check out the Livewire ad from this week for more info.}

    You should definitely consider joining the class...should be a good workout. Congrats on your little one! Your mom sure loves her little grandchildren :)
