Tuesday, October 20, 2009


They're little.

They're plentiful.

They fly.

And they're invading our home by the hundreds...

Maybe thousands!

How they're getting in is a mystery to us, but they're making their way in somehow.

(And by the way, does anybody know the name of these ladybug-like creatures? We just call them 'beetle bugs' around our house. Or if you're Chloe, 'biders,' her way of saying 'spiders.')


  1. We had a ladybug invasion at our house in South Carolina...ironically, a couple months later God called us to adopt from China! It wasn't until after we sold our house in SC and moved back to TX that I found out ladybugs are the "good luck" symbol for China adoption. I thought it was pretty cool we had been invaded right before we were called. :) And, by the way...I wish we would have another ladybug invasion! I know it's silly to put any stock in those types of superstitions but I would still consider it a good sign. :)

  2. Hi Angie!

    I think they are called Asian beetles. They are terrible and I think they stink up the vacuum! They find their way in any way they can. I have no idea how you get rid of them either or what attracts them. Try a google.

    Good luck!

  3. Actually, unlike the NICE ladybugs these orange, stinky, biting variety are Asian beetles that were imported to eat some other varment off of the soybeans. Unfortunately they have no natural enemies here and so are OUT.OF.CONTROL.!! especially on warm days when they pick the soybeans. I've noticed that if you have the crank-out style windows that they LOVE to stuff millions of themselves in there breaking the seal. They are amazing in the small space they can wedge themselves through! I've found orange spray to be offensive to them and they will leave ... and if you're not opposed to chemicals, HOME DEFENSE works well too. kills 'em dead.
    Of course, the next day a million more come to replace them ... but they don't like where that stuff has been sprayed.

  4. There is a vine (like ivy) called kudzu that was brought to the US from Japan. It's taken over most of the south. It's everywhere in South Carolina and most of Georgia and Florida. It's this big ivy that grows a foot an hour, and in the right conditions it can grow six feet in one hour! I have lots of pictures of the stuff, it's amazing.. but it blankets all of the trees and they eventually die out.

    So basically, they brought these Japanese beetles here to eat the plant, but they migrated north and have caused problems for us here and have done little to stop the kudzu. And it's true that there are no natural enemies for it here in the US.
