Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cooper & Gavin

Remember when I wrote about Cooper's love of being a big brother? You can read about it here.

That was four months ago, yet time has not faded that bond Cooper has with Gavin. Cooper just loves him. He loves to talk to Gavin, hold Gavin, feed Gavin his bottle, get things mom needs for Gavin. He really just loves babies, especially his little brother.

And I'd say that judging by the smile on Gavin's face, the feeling is mutual...


  1. Very cute! It's awesome to see! I'm not sure about Sophie with the other two yet. Henry & Karely seem to have a pretty tight bond.

    Gavin has changed so much. Don't you think? Seems like the four month mark they start getting more personality don't they?

    Love the pictures!

  2. Hey Tina! Give it some time...I'm sure Henry & Karely will bond with little Sophie when she gets a little bigger and can play with them. Lots of kids just don't seem to 'get' babies :) They're not very fun til' they can play, ya know?

    I agree, Gavin has changed a lot! He's so alert, with those big eyes watching everything! I love it, yet it's going by too fast :( I'm sure you know what I mean!!!

  3. Very sweet. Thing One really likes kids and babies, too. And I tell him the same thing I'd say to Cooper: "You're going to be a great daddy one day!"

  4. Oh what precious boys!!! Their love for each other is obvious from the pictures! What a sweet bond...and I'm sure it will grow sweeter through the years!

  5. Oh my goodness...that is just too precious! I love it when siblings bond like that ~ SO special! They will be close buds for life!! :) And Gavin's eyes...seriously, they are some of the prettiest big blues I have ever seen! Though I think I noticed that Chloe's are very much like her little brother's! All of your children are stunning, Angie... and I still just love that header photo of captures me everytime I click on your blog!! :)

    Have a Merry Christmas and God bless! <><

  6. You make cute babies :]
