Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Let is snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

Are you singing it? I love that song, partially because I love the snow. Partially because I love Christmas. So it's a winner in my book.

We have definitely gotten our fair share of snow where I live, and that made for a beautiful white Christmas. It also made for a wonderful setting for some photos of the kids yesterday.

Enjoy! {And remember to click on any of the photos you'd like to view larger!}

Just the girls...


  1. Okay, your snow pictures put mine to SHAME! :) What beautiful pictures of your very beautiful family!!!

  2. OMGoodness! ...these photos are stunning! I love Chloe's little plaid vest and her hat...too cute. And it's very clear where she got her big BEAUTIFUL blues from!!! ;)

    Happy New Year, Sweet Friend!


    p.s.>>what kind of a camera do you use? I'm in the market for a DSLR and looking for tips on what others like/recommend!

  3. Thanks for the sweet comments ladies!

    TANYA - I have a Nikon DSLR. I am currently still using my D70 I got in 2003, but since I have opened my photography business, I am looking to upgrade to the Nikon D300. I would definitely recommend Nikon. I've used both Nikon and Canon, and you just can't beat Nikon's performance and glass on the lenses. So, that's my recommendation. As far as a model, I've heard great things about the D5000, which is an upper-entry level in Nikon's line. Anyway, if you have any more questions, let me know! Good luck! :)

  4. Your kids are beautiful!
    God's blessings on your sweet family, Sarah :D
