Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What do you do when a snowstorm hits?

So, what do you do when a snowstorm hits?

If you're The Sanders Family, you bundle the kiddos up, load up in the family SUV and head out to pick out a farm fresh Christmas tree!

It may sound crazy to some, but it was fun to be out in the snowy weather getting our tree.

And the kids loved it too!

We are blessed to have Jason's parents living close by with a small Christmas tree lot. So Grandpa & Grandma helped us with our tree.

Grandma kept Chloe company...

And Grandpa helped Jason cut down the tree...

And then the boys thought they could drag the tree to our vehicle...

But when Chloe saw that wasn't working out too well, she thought she'd jump in and lend a hand...

Ultimately, it takes more than three Sanders children to load up a Christmas tree.
It takes Dad...

And there is our tree on the top of the Yukon...

Where it stayed until we got home...

Well, no, not really.

We actually lost the tree while driving down the highway. Jason said one of the bungees was faulty ;-) Thankfully, we were only driving about 30 mph due to the blizzard! But it did bring back memories of me as a sixteen-year-old, driving on the same highway, when my Ford Tempo's hood blew up, and then completely off of my car while I was on my way out to Jason's house for a study date. I remember having to drive into Jason's driveway, hoodless, and explain what had happened.

Embarrassing? Yes! But the memories are priceless.

But I digress.

Our snowy farm adventure didn't end there. Let me back up a bit.

After choosing our perfect Christmas tree, we then got to help put the farm animals away in their respective buildings that provide shelter from the storm.

We herded goats...

And pot belly pigs...

And spotted a frozen Ostrich name Big Bird...

Who watched as the pot belly pigs were herded...

And then retreated inside for warmth and Grandma's cookies...

So there was our snow day in a nutshell.
How else would one spend a snow day after all.


  1. I love your photos! My favorite is Chloe going to help the boys. HA! She's such a go-getter. I hope you are snuggled in today as the winds continue to whip that snow around somethin fierce. :-)

  2. What beautiful pictures...and what priceless memories! There is a Christmas tree farm literally minutes from here, and I would LOVE to make cutting down our own tree a family tradition...however, my husband feels that real trees are a fire hazard and insists on an artificial one! I do go to the local nursery and buy fresh garland for the mantle though...that seems a little more hazardous to me, but he's okay with that one! LOL! :)

  3. What a great post Angie! I've been missing reading blogs! You're family is just so sweet! I love the Ford Tempo story. What a great memory! I bet you two laugh a lot at that!

    Love the pic of Big Bird!

    Great pictures, as always!!!

  4. You should do a Big Bird update on YouNews at KCRG!!

  5. You are like the BEST parents EVER!!!!!!! Hey, stick to that tradition no matter WHAT this crazy Iowa weather is doing :=)
