Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Princess Dreams

Yesterday our family, along with my best friend Julie, went to Universal Studios. I could do a whole long post about our day. No, wait. I could do several posts about our day at Universal. There was the Dr. Seuss themed section of the park. And the Jurassic Park themed section. There was the Dueling Dragons and The Incredible Hulk roller coasters. And there was The Marvel Heros section of Universal...a boy's dream come true. Gabe & Cooper's dream anyway, because they had this...

It was a 3-D Spiderman ride. And it truly was amazing.
As I said, I could write several posts about Universal alone, and will post more photos from our day at Universal Studios later.

But for now, I want to focus on what's to come. Tomorrow we visit Disney World's Magic Kingdom. We went to Downtown Disney two nights ago where they had statues of the various Disney Princesses. And when Chloe saw them, she squealed quite loudly with excitement and ran to them. She wanted to hug them, and talk to them, and pose like them. It was simply adorable.

Here she is admiring the larger than life princesses at Downtown Disney...

I absolutely can not wait until she sees 'the real thing' tomorrow. Yes, I know the princesses we see at The Magic Kingdom won't really be the real thing. It's all just make believe. But to Chloe, it's real. It's a dream come true! It's 'her princesses,' as she calls them, in real life. Oh to be a child again :-) Seeing life through their eyes really is magical.


  1. Jon and Kate's kids said the same thing, "Ariel is MY princess," and "they're all my princesses." Weird that little kids think they can claim them. They don't know that Cinderella is known world wide by three different generations of people :]

  2. Oh Angie! How much fun is THIS!!??!! Yes, to be a kid again and get to see all of this through their must be so magical! :)

    I don't know what's up, but my blogger dashboard hasn't been updating your posts, so I've missed you. Sorry 'bout that! I seen you comment on another blog and thought I'd stop by to see where you've been... and there you are, already in Orlando! How FUN!!! Hopefully it warms up to normal temps there soon!

    Enjoy the memory-making! I can't wait to read more about it and see more pics... especially of Chloe with the 'real' princesses! :)


  3. Say "hi" to Belle and Cinderella for me! That looks SO fun ... although it looks like you've had to use those warm clothes you packed?! Hardly Florida weather! I think you should get a cold weather discount! But maybe the lines are shorter and that is way priceless! Have fun!

  4. The princesses are what it's all about!! I can't wait to see the boys seeing the princesses - they have to love that, right?? Chloe is going to have such an awesome time!!

  5. How exciting! I can't wait to do this with our kids!

    How's Gavin doing? I am going to guess he just goes with the flow and sleeps in his stroller?

    Can't wait to hear more!

  6. How fun, Angie!!! Thanks for blogging during your vacation for us!
    Blessings, Linda
