Friday, January 22, 2010


My kids LOVE swimming! When we stay at a resort on vacation where there is a swimming pool, every morning starts with the question, "Can we go swimming?" They just love the water, and love to be in it. So when we discovered that our Florida resort had four swimming pools, two lazy rivers and numerous child pools, my kiddos were in heaven. I don't think a single day went by during our seven day trip where we didn't spend at least a little time at the pool.

And of course I took lots of pictures. I, take lots of pictures? Shocking, isn't it, ha ha.
{Prepare for photo overload} Here are some photos from our water adventures...

This first one is a photo of Gabe, Cooper and Chloe, humoring mom by stopping for a moment, a very brief moment, for a quick smile...

Here's Cooper and Chloe on the lazy river. {Don't worry, we didn't send those two out all by themselves! Dad is actually hiding underwater, holding onto the raft.} They LOVED riding in the inter-tubes. Gabe, on the other hand, enjoyed swimming in the lazy river, laying on his back and floating along...

Here's Cooper coming out of the water slide. This must have been one of the first few days of vacation, because by the end of the week, both Gabe and Cooper were flying off that slide with absolutely no help from Dad. Independent swimmers, they are...

Here's a closeup of Gabe...

Chloe and Dad in the 'hot pool,' as Chloe refers to the hot tub...

And our little Chloe...

Another shot of Gabe, basking in the sun's rays on the side of the pool...

And Cooper, all covered up with his towel...

I love swimming pictures, because it's easy to capture a child's natural joy, like in this photo...

We really had to watch Chloe. She'll dive right in the deep end, that little dare devil...

And here's the three kids under the water mushroom in one of the child's pools...

Here's me and Chloe, ready to go swim...

And the siblings again...

By this point, you might be wondering, "Where was Gavin?" Well, mom forgot to pack his swim trunks. Poor guy, but with so many suitcases to pack for four kids and two adults, I'm bound to forget something, right? So, Gavin spent his time either lounging on a blanket beside the pool with mom or dad, or in his stroller. Don't worry, he had a good time too...


  1. How fun!! I am definetly ready for pool weather here! I love love love Chloe's hair in pigtails. What a great picture of her and Jason. How funny you forgot Gavin's swimming trunks!

    Thanks for sharing your vacation with us!

  2. Wow! What a fabulous vacation! We are headed to the Great Wolf Lodge soon and our kids can't wait to swim again! I love the "hot pool" picture! Too funny!

  3. Fabulous photos! I don't know if it's a filter or an action for PS but I LOVE the unique "finish" your photos have!

    (oh and your swim suit looks totally cute. I haven't donned a swim suit in...years.)

  4. Jodee - haven't been to the Great Wolf Lodge, but I've heard it lives up to its name, ha ha. We love the Wisconsin Dells, and I think they have one, although I know they have them in various locations. Have a GREAT time! Can't beat indoor waterparks in the winter, that's for sure :)

  5. Kim - Thanks! I do love my swimsuit. I just got it this year. Before that, I wore the same swimsuit for 9 years...the one I got for my honeymoon. So I guess I was finally due for a new one :)

  6. What fun for the kids!! They are so cute and look like they love being in the water:) Seeing these pictures really makes me excited for summer to arrive..... I have had enough of old man winter:(

    Enjoy your weekend!!


  7. Love the photos and I can see where your children get their beautiful eyes from! My kids are the same way with pools. We have a pool and yet if we are away it is still the number one thing they want to do!

  8. I just read your comment on the denim jacket..... It was a hand me down, so I am not sure when it was purchased, but it did come from the disney store! I hope this helps......

    It is adorable and Sarah LOVES it......I am sure Chloe would too!

    Enjoy the rest of your night!



  9. PS....I can't wait to see what you do with your lollipop photoshoot!! They make terrific props and the kids LOVE them!! you will get some great shots for sure.....

  10. Wow! What a fun time! Kids do love pools, don't they! Now, I see where your kiddos got their beautiful blue eyes - from you! We're planning a quick trip in May -- can hardly wait! Hope you all have a great week!


  11. The photos of your kiddos are fabulous! I can tell ya'll had a fabulous time. And, although your swimsuit is great, it's you who totally rocked it. Sorry, I just couldn't let a beautiful mom to 4 kids go without a much deserved compliment! :D
    God's blessings, Sarah
