Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - A girl and her umbrella

We have been blessed with beautiful weather everyday this week. And to celebrate spring, we've spent a good portion of everyday outside, just where the kids and I love to be!

On Monday morning, Gabe & Cooper were at school and Gavin was taking a nap, which left just Chloe and I. I was busy sweeping the floor and doing laundry. So when Chloe found her umbrella in the closet and asked to go outside and play with it, I sent her out in the backyard while I finished up some chores. I went upstairs to put a load of laundry in, and when I came back down, I saw that Chloe had walked out to our field and was in her own little world. What's a mom to do but grab her camera of course!

I hung back, as I had with the boys the week before, as to capture some shots of Chloe just being Chloe. She reminds me so much of my childhood. I used to spend hours and hours playing by myself, being the only girl in my family in addition to being the youngest by several years.

I would get lost in my own little world, letting my imagination take me to far away places. And now, I am often reminded of those days by simply observing Chloe.

And again I think of my childhood while looking at these black & white photos that I chose to process with a vintage feel. This could have been me...with dark hair...and freckles. Okay, she actually looks a lot like her dad. But as I watch this girl, twirling with an umbrella in an Iowa field, I see glimpses of me.

Having the time of her life, as Chloe always does.

What a joy-filled soul she has, having been compared to the princess from the movie Enchanted on more than one occasion. Always singing and happy, Chloe radiates contentment. She truly is a constant reminder to always look on the bright side and thank the Lord in everything.

I love my boys, but I am also so very grateful that the Lord had the grace to give me just one girl. Life wouldn't be the same without her.

To check out all the other entries for Black & White Wednesday, visit The Long Road to China. Once again, thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a sweetie she is!! Love love these pictures, looks like she was really enjoying herself. Girls are so much fun!!

  2. I just LOVE the vintage feel of these and the sunlight pouring in over her amazing face.

    I know the feeling about our daughters reminding us of our own childhood...isn't it GRAND to have these little ladies in our lives.

    I just love the way you captured Chloe "being Chloe".


  3. Love all the pictures she is so dang cute! I think it would look really nice in Sepia also. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. Such sweet, precious & unique B&Ws! Oh I just love them (had to look at them twice)! Your daughter truly looks like she was having fun ~ that smile is saying it all!

    Hope you are having a great week :)

  5. Oh, what a delightful little girl! That one picture especially, where she is in the left side of the frame, profiled, looks like it ought to be right out of a children's book. Such delight, to see imagination at work in our children :)

  6. How cute!! And.. stylish too! ;)

  7. Those are so sweet Angie! They too remind me of my childhood. I used to have imaginary world through out my yard.

    My favorite is the third!

  8. I love the way you processed these photos. Your daughter is absolutely adorable. As I was reading your post I imagined that little girl playing in the field on her own.

    You are really a great photographer!

    Happy Wednesday!

  9. What a sweet series of photos these are and I agree they have a real vintage feel. I can tell Chloe is the epitome of a little girl...

    And girls are such a gift, I agree.

    Happy Wednesday!

  10. What beautiful sentiments shared along side these beautiful photos.

    Enchanted indeed...I love the light spilling over the umbrella....she's delightful!

  11. Wow. What beautiful pictures. She is gorgeous and the light just makes her shine.

  12. wow wow wow!!! Love these and I love how natural they feel!!!! The sunlight is incredible!!!!!! : )

  13. You have captured the natural beauty of this darling little Chloe. Love the vintage feel and beautiful light!

  14. You have captured the natural beauty of this darling little Chloe. Love the vintage feel and beautiful light!

  15. she has an adorable face which just lights up everything about her. Amazing pictures.
    stopping by from

  16. Those photos are simply delightful..what a piece of childhood! I hope I try hard to catch images like that as well..they are precious!

  17. Oh my gosh. I love it so much. Adding umbrella to my props list right this second : )

  18. Oh my -- those are fabulous! She is a sweetheart, isn't she! So nice to finally have some spring weather! Enjoy!


  19. I love the way you say "our field" just like I would say "our yard"! Sometimes I miss living in the country. *Sigh*

    The pictures of Chloe and her umbrella are TOO sweet and something tells me that you will cherish them for years to come. There's so much personality captured on the film! I wish I had your talent! :)

  20. I really love Chloe's spirit and how you captured it in your pictures. The vintage feel is perfect for them too.

    I agree, our girls add so much to our lives. Can't imagine it without them.

  21. Yes! Boys are always a treasure...but that that girl makes you a better woman.

    Beautiful photos...I just love them

  22. I love the shot where she appears to be pondering the world beyond the yard
    she's a beautiful girl

  23. What is it about girls and umbrellas that is so compelling? The Morton salt people knew it too.

    My girls love their umbrella. They must have at least three each! Funny because they have NO raincoats or overshoes! Guess you can see where their priorities are, huh!


    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  24. Absolutely love this series. You can't beat a cute rain coat, umbrella and the adorable model!! Too cute!

  25. Love all your pictures!! One of these days I will get around to taking a class on how to use my camera. When our family is complete and we aren't eating mac n cheese for every meal!! LOL

  26. These are really great! Your daughter definitely looks like she is having fun - she's adorable. I love the processing - and the composition. Beautiful series :)

  27. You have an absolutely beautiful daughter and amazing talent with a camera! :)

  28. You're right these turned out great!! I love how the umbrella matches her boots! Way too cute!!:)


  29. What a darling little girl you have! She does look a lot like her dad but so neat that you see yourself in her. I am so glad you have been enjoying he Spring weather have a great weekend!

  30. So precious! You are right, even in her photos the joy just radiates from her! You are indeed blessed!
