Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - Tea Cup

First of all, I'd like to thank all of my loyal followers who sent me messages asking if I was ok since I didn't have a Black & White Wednesday post last week. It was so sweet of you all to notice my absence and to miss me!

I missed you all too, and yes, I am fine. I've just been incredibly busy. I had four photo shoots last week alone, which really shot my promise to myself of no more than one shoot per week. After all, I am first and foremost a mommy. My business was always meant to be a part time venture. I've been a freelance graphic designer and photographer since I had my first child seven years ago to enable me to set my own hours. But since the addition of portrait photography to my business less than a year ago, I have had a hard time saying no. I love taking photos and hate disappointing people, so together these two facets of my personality have worked against me lately. But I will certainly be making sure I don't overextend myself anymore. I'm giving my schedule over to the Lord, making sure I am giving Him the lead with how my days are filled, even if it does mean telling a few folks no every once in awhile.

But now, on to Black & White Wednesday...

A few weeks ago while shopping with a friend for a few more newborn props, I found a giant tea cup. Having seen numerous photos from numerous photographers of babies in tea cups, I had once vowed not to jump on the baby tea cup bandwagon. But the more I thought about the idea of my baby in a tea cup, the more I wanted to get one. And when I saw that this giant tea cup was on clearance, I just had to get it! I can't resist a sale after all.

A few days ago I finally had the time to do a few shots of Gavin and the tea cup. I didn't do any setup for these shots due to lack of time, but I think it'd be fun to style a shoot with the tea cup on a patio table with some chairs. Maybe sometime soon ;)

I love his feet sticking out of the top of the cup in this first shot. And I think it's safe to say that Gavin really didn't mind it so much in the tea cup...

In fact, I think he kind of enjoyed himself...

So is the tea cup an overdone prop? Maybe. But I still can't help but like it...

For more wonderful Black & White Wednesday posts, check out The Long Road to China.


  1. I love the expression on that second photo. The first one is pretty cool as well because, if you look real quickly, the baby looks like he is a merman.

    : )

  2. He is so, so cute. Beautiful pictures and I like the way the tea cup is so smooth and shiny against the texture of the grass.

  3. I LOVE the teacup! And he's a super cutie too. Killer combo.

  4. Omg!! That is the cutest photos, I love the teacup prop!

  5. So cute!!! How nice to have YOUR baby in it and YOU took the picture!

    I'm going with timeless not to mention awesome photos!

  6. So cute -- he is simply adorable!


  7. I love the tea cup and I think your baby looks absolutely precious in it!!! Good call. :)

  8. I love it too, and he certainly doesn't seem to mind it either!

  9. Excellent decision to submit to the teacup! That is the cutest thing ever. I would love to be a great photographer and you inspire me to get there. Thanks!

  10. He is so beautiful and i love the photos especially the expression in the second photo. as always your photos captivate me

  11. Beautiful! So glad I found your is wonderful to find other photographers with the same passion in life as I have!

  12. Love IT!!! I just love it! Over done??? Naaa

  13. No, these are just adorable - that's all. Love the setting too.

    (Thanks for your encouragment, Re: our reno madness. I can't believe you've survived 2 years already - and with kids. Oh are a saint.)

    You hang in there too.

  14. Oh the 2nd one is so stinkin cute!!

  15. The second one is my favorite! how cute!

  16. O my that second photo is priceless!! the look on his face is so darn cute! How can you not just kiss him all day long??? I would never get anything done! ha

  17. Awesome shots! Like most people I think number 2 takes the cake! What a cute, cute photo! and how lucky you found that giant tea cup! great buy!

  18. OMW these are awesome shots...what an adorable baby!!! I love the teacup!!!!!

  19. No, I do not think the tea cup is an overdone prop...I love it!!! What a sweet baby boy...he's adorable! Your pics are always some of my very favs on Wednesdays!

  20. Love the teacup! Gavin is such a happy that sparkle in his eyes and smile...reminds me of Cooper. :)

  21. You sound like me I also have a hard time saying no. I do love the tea cup and your photos are great. Gavin did a wonderful job posing for you.

  22. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO seriously this child is the most adorable doll EVER! I cannot get over his expressions, they are PRICELESS!! Thanks for sharing!

  23. That second picture is just precious!

  24. No way! That's toooo cute! I want a cup of THAT! Seriously adorable. :)

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  25. Love the black and whites in the tea cup!

  26. OK...this is off the CUTE-O-METER! I just LOVE these...what a doll Gavin is. Edible, actually...or the case may be!

    I know what you mean about TIME just slipping away and interfering with our blogging. I started a new job and I have been absolutely consumed with trying to get myself up to speed and on schedule so I haven't even blogged at all (just one BW on Wednesday)...haven't even gotten my Easter pictures up yet!
    All in due time....
    So good to come over and see you today, though!


  27. OH MY GOODNESS.....these photos are simply ADORABLE!!! He is such a sweetie.....and he looks like he loves the tea cup:) What a great prop........How FUN!!

    I can totally relate on the overextending yourself......I did the same thing last week. Full time job, plus I taught two online photoshop classes, and booked two photoshoots.......WAY TOO MUCH!!! I tend to be a people pleaser and have a hard time saying that two letter word...."NO"

    Hope that you can take time for yourself and your family.........that is what is most important. I am trying to remember this in my daily life and make a better attempt to do this!!



  28. I love Wednesdays. I know how busy you are, but you always update on Wednesday :]

  29. I LOVE the tea cup (and the babe is pretty cute, too!!). Where did you find it?

  30. Your little boy is so cute. The teacup was a great idea.
    Elisabeth ;)
