Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Color Wednesday - Hillsong United

No, I'm not starting my own blog carnival. I am just too busy editing photos from a senior shoot to go out and take some black & white shots for Black & White Wednesday. But instead of forsaking blogging completely this week, I thought I'd post a few photos from the Hillsong concert we went to last week.

I just love Hillsong.

In case you don't know, Hillsong is a worship band derived from the famous Hillsong Church in Australia. I dream of visiting that church someday, Lord willing. But for now, I was blessed to hear a sampling of what their live Worship is like without having to fly across the country.

And it was awesome!

You couldn't help but be filled with a spirit of worship as you stood in a stadium filled with other believers lifting songs of praise to the Lord. With one voice we came together...

I loved how they had the words to all of the songs up on a giant screen behind the stage. Every word written to praise Him. Every word sung with meaning and purpose, with hearts turned to Him, not to the people up on the stage. Because it's not about us, it's about our Lord, and He is mighty to save...

I love this last photo. That's what it's all about, surrendering everything to the Lord. Lifting all of the pride, all of the sin, everything in us that isn't about Him and saying, "Take it from me Lord. I give it all to you. Make me Yours alone."

That's what it's all about, bringing praise to Him. We were created to Worship Him. And that's why I thank God for Hillsong, because they are bringing that purpose worldwide to unite believers in one purpose. Now that's awesome.


  1. What a fun, inspirational, uplifting concert! Glad you had a great time!

  2. Hillsong is so cool! Love their music too! I didn't know they were in concert in the area. So glad you got to enjoy it. And I love the twist on B/W Wednesday ... way to make it your own, but sorry you are so busy. Ack! It's that time of year isn't it!

    P.S. If you are a Mark Schultz fan he is going to be in concert in North Liberty as an adoption fundraiser May 21st at 7pm at Grace Community Church. They will be advertising it on 101.9 this coming week to boost ticket sales. Spread the word!

  3. Gah. I thought it was Wednesday today.. looking for an update. Stupid Tuesday :[

  4. Oh, I love these!!!! You captured this awesomely!!!!!!!!

    Hillsong was our home church for a year and the worship was wonderful! If you come to Australia before July 1 you are welcome to stay with us - and I'll take you to Hillsong :)
