Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten: Cooper

The verdict is in: Cooper LOVES kindergarten.

Cooper headed off to his first day of kindergarten today. In our school district, the kindergartners start two days after everyone else, using the first two days for meet & greet conference times with their teacher. Cooper has anticipated this day for a long time. Once we woke the boys up for school, Cooper got dressed and was waiting on the stairs to head outside for the bus in two seconds flat...

Once outside, Gabe proceeded to tell Cooper how he'd watch out for him today and show him the ropes as they watched for the bus to come down the road...

These two brothers have such a great friendship, and it's heartwarming to see it in action on days like today.

I held back the tears as I took a few photos of Cooper by himself. Seeing my big boy through that camera lens as I recounted all the photos of years past in my mind was almost too much for this mom

And as the bus pulled up and I watched my two big boys board it for a full day of school, the tears let loose...

I kept myself busy today playing catch up with my photography business and of course, watching Chloe and Gavin, all while anxiously awaiting the boys' return. Cooper arrived home with a big smile on his face and many stories to share. Stories of riding the school bus and eating lunch, of playing on the playground and finding his locker. But inter-weaved in all the stories was his brother Gabe, who really stepped up to the plate today and took care of his little brother. Gabe took account of where Cooper was sitting during lunch and made sure to give him advice on emptying his lunch tray. Gabe played with him at recess, helping him climb those big monkey bars. And he sat with him on the school bus until Cooper's friend, Grayce, boarded the bus, then scooting over to make room for her. I was so proud of them both as I heard them share stories of the day. It's so rewarding to see that these aren't merely two brothers raised in the same house, but two great friends.

I took one final photo of Cooper after school today. Doesn't he look exhausted!

I asked Cooper what the meaning of the number on his shirt was. He replied that it was so he didn't forget his bus number. When I asked him what his bus number was, Coop said, 'Ummm. Whatever bus Gabe got on.' I guess that's the most important thing ;)


  1. As always, your pics are adorable! I may have to take a trip out your way soon. :) And what a great idea to have the Kindergarten classes start a couple days later! I know it was hard for you sending #2 off this year...because I'll be doing it on Monday! Good job on choking back the tears! I hope I'm as successful as you were!

  2. Oh my goodness but Cooper reminds me of Ian. He'll start kindergarten on Wednesday and I know, even though he went to K-4 (one day a week) that I will LOSE IT and blubber. Can't help it!

    And WAY TO GO Gabe! You have raised them well, what a great big brother!!

    Lovely photos, as always!

  3. What a sweet post! I think the first day of Kindergarten is way harder on the parents! Hope the boys have a great year!

    P.S. That bus story is a hoot!

  4. That first day of kindergarten is so hard -- on the Moms!! Great photos of your two big boys -- they are adorable! So sweet that Gabe helped him out so much!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

