Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The New Playmates

Since Gabe and Cooper have both gone back to school {I should say, Gabe has gone back to school and Cooper has entered the world of full-day kindergarten,} the dynamics have changed a bit around here.

During the summer, Chloe would tag along with her older brothers, and they were {usually} pretty good about including her. But with them now in school, Chloe has been left to find other forms of entertainment...

Enter Gavin.

Poor, poor Gavin.

Certainly not the first boy with a sister to adorn all things girly, but definitely a new development in our household.

You see, Chloe has always been a bit oblivious to her younger brother Gavin. When he was born a year ago, I expected Chloe to either absolutely love him, or absolutely wish we could just leave him at the hospital. But instead, she was indifferent. It was as if he had always been in the family, and it made no difference to Chloe. Her world still turned as it always had.
But the past few days, Chloe has started to pay quite a bit of attention to Gavin.

Maybe it's the fact that he's finally at the beginning stages of walking, and he's becoming more interactive. Or maybe, he's her last-resort playmate. Either way, Gavin is loving it, and Chloe is too.

I've found Gavin in some places I know he couldn't have managed to get into by himself, like in his new toy wagon...

And here...

...where I'm fairly certain Gavin did not position himself between the pig twins on Chloe's bed or choose to wear Chloe's very girly pink hat, again a victim to his sister's fashion stylings.

Chloe has also been taking advantage of her captive {literally} audience by singing to Gavin, which causes him to do this every time...

And I mean, every time. Chloe had her 3 year check-up for preschool the other day. The doctor asked her to sing her ABC's, and as soon as the singing kicked in, Gavin's hands went right over those ears. Hilarious.

Quite hilarious, really. But Chloe just keeps singing, and Gavin just keeps covering his ears.
That is, until the singing just becomes too much, leading to this...

What can I say, except that life with only two of my four is still just as interesting as always around the Sanders household.

Yet in addition to the 'torture'... er, I mean 'play'... that Chloe subjects Gavin to, she can also be an extremely sweet and kind big sister. The other day, I took them outside to get a few photos. Gavin was crying about the cat running away {he loves the cat} so Chloe jumped right in to console him...

And he proceeded to pull her hat over her face...

At which, they both broke out in hysterical laughter...

Oh, the love of siblings.

Now what is going to happen when Chloe heads off to preschool in a few weeks?

Well, Gavin will get a break two mornings a week. But somehow, I think he may miss her a bit...


  1. o my goodness - I literally laughed out loud - then i got everyonenelse in the house to come into the office to see your post - wy too funny!

  2. I absolutely LOVE THIS! It is a work of art and should be published for the world to be entertained!

  3. Goodness I love this! So so funny! I love Gavin's hands over his ears! So adorable! Poor guy didn't know what he was in for! It's like the lightbulb went off for Chloe and " A HA!" little brother... look out!

    So so cute!

  4. Oh my goodness, too cute! The last picture is adorable:-)

  5. So sweet and funny! Poor Gavin -- he may be lost without her. Maybe you need a puppy!! ;)


  6. Oh! This makes me homesick...although that sounds strange because I'm longing for something I haven't experienced yet! Now that my older two are in school, Eva is needing a playmate like you wouldn't believe! I keep thinking that when Caden comes home, she's going to LOVE having someone to play with! I'm sure she will find plenty to subject him to as well! :)

  7. What sweet siblings! Gavin will be lost without her!

  8. So sweet. With that first picture I though that you were doing day care for a little girl, the fact that Gavin is Chloe's ne playmate is even better. I loved this post!

  9. Angie...this is adorable! Are you going to let her paint his fingernails in a couple of years? I'm just saying...I know big sissy's who do that to their little bro's and little bro's that want it done to be like big sis. I won't judge! My little cousin ended growing up and being mostly normal - hehehe.

  10. Oh my word, these are the cutest pictures EVER! His hands over his ears. And I love how she dresses him up in girly girl accessories. At first I thought it was a different baby. And he is one beautiful baby!

    Adorable post and pics Angie!

  11. As always your pictures put the biggest smile on my face

    they are pure joy to look at as are your georgous children

    i just returned from 2 weeks in california. lots of pictures to edit, sleep to catch up on and laundry to do.

    just checking some of my favorite blogs

  12. What sweetness you have going on at your house! It's so wonderful to see your daughter playing so nicely with your little one. I think he's going to miss her terribly when she starts preschool. Wow do you have amazing light coming into your daughters room. Makes for gorgeous photos!

  13. O my that was the cutest post ever!!! What a riot those two!! :-)
