Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Black & White Wednesday: 2010 Summer Family Vacation

Remember me my fellow black & white Wednesday participants? What? You don't? Well, that could have something to do with the fact that I haven't participated in black & white Wednesday over at Lisa's blog for months and months. And you know what? I've missed it!

Much the same way that I've been slacking on black & white Wednesday posts, I've also been a slacker in posting anything from our August summer family vacation. So I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and post some black & white photos from our recent trip! A busy girl like me has to find shortcuts anyway I can!

On vacation, my husband and I took our four kiddos to the Poconos, then to Philadelphia, and finally to Washington D.C. It was a great time, too short as many vacations seem to be. But many memories {and photos} were made.

Here's just a few in black and white. I'll try to post a few more from vacation later this week!

I love this photo of my husband with our four kids, taken while on a hike in the Poconos...

And here's Gavin exploring life outside his hiking backpack...

Another one taken while on a hike. We are a hiking family, what can I say! I love vintage-looking B&W's like this one...

And here is a shot from Washington D.C. The kids are sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, looking out onto the Washington Monument...

Chloe in the big city...

And one last shot, of Chloe and me...

Thanks for visiting! To check out more black & white photography, visit The Long Road to China


  1. Great pictures! I really like the vintage one! I hope to one day visit the East Coast. Looks like a great vacation!

  2. I absolutely LOVE the washington monument photo. So beautiful.

  3. Beautiful series of photos! I really love the one where your children are watching the Washington Monument.

    Erika B

  4. What a fun vacation!! These are all beautiful (and your two older boys look exactly alike!)

    I agree that the Washington Monument photo is wonderful! I think my favorite is the vintage b&w. Lots of fun happy energy in that one, and beautiful processing.

    They are all great photos - and it is GREAT to have you back :)

  5. Angie,

    Welcome back - we did miss you!!! These shots of your summer fun are just gorgeous. I love the backs of the kids looking toward the monument esp., th4e vintage blk& wh is sooo pretty but my fav is you and Cloe. Such a pretty picture. ( probl. can't take a bad one.)

    Hope you catch up but if you don't - well, welcome to the club.


  6. Wonderful pictures! Looks like a great family vacation!

  7. Beautiful pictures -- what a great vacation!


  8. I LOVE all the pictures.. everyone of them.You have a beautiful family.

  9. So glad to see your these pictures and I must agree with the rest...the monument one is awesome!! Love the different take on the silhouette!! Looks like lots of fun. Thanks for visiting my blog ;)

  10. Beautiful photos, I love your photo with Chloe, and the one where your little boy is exploring and, and, I love them all, they are really good shots!

  11. Beautiful! All of them are really interesting and unique but I'm especially partial to the silhouette of the kids on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and, of course, the one of you and Chloe. Lovely!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  12. So gorgeous! your photos are all stunning! You are very talented!

  13. Love every single one Angie, my faves are the vintage one and the silouette with the Washington Monument. Now you've inspired me(and family) to go there for a vacation!

  14. Beautiful set of photos! Wow! You have amazing talent in photography and your blog header is absolutely gorgeous too!

  15. Love these photos! What great memories. It sounds like me took some similar vacations this year.
    I really love the vintage one.

  16. Hi Angie,

    We have certainly missed you on Wednesdays!! Glad to see you participated:)

    These are beautiful and it looks as though your family had a FABULOUS vacation. I love all of these photos, but the one of the kids lookiing at the monuement is my FAV!! That one needs to be framed for sure:)

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend~



  17. Glad you made it back. I was wondering what happened to ya. I also really like the vintage one a lot. I'm going to try to make a submission for Black and White here soon.

  18. What beautiful pictures! Welcome back... and as you can see I'm a bit late on commenting. ;-)

    Looks like your summer vacation was wonderful. I give you such credit to take 4 little ones on such an amazing trip. I don't think I would have enough patience for that type of adventure.

    Love all of your pictures, but the one with you and your daughter truly stands out. Gorgeous!

  19. Hmmm, which one is my favorite?? The kids overlooking the Lincoln Memorial & your darling baby girl?!! Two beautiful girls??

    I love them all - great black & white post, Angie!

  20. Umm, the Washington Monument, NOT the Lincoln Memorial. Wow, yes, I am American.
