Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chloe goes to preschool

After months and months of anticipation {on Chloe's part, not on mine most days} Chloe finally went to her first day of preschool today!

She was actually prepared to go last night.

As I gave her a bath before bedtime, I told Chloe that we needed to get her school stuff ready as a means to coax her out of the tub. She loves bath time, and sometimes needs incentive to call it quits. Well, my coaxing strategy backfired. Although it did work to get Chloe out of that bathtub in seconds flat, it also made her think that she was going to school...right now. After getting her supplies and backpack ready, it was time to get school clothes laid out for the morning. But instead, Chloe wanted to put them on, insisting that school was starting any minute. "My backpack is ready mom, now get me ready. Pleeeaaaassse!" Yes, backfire big time. Smart one mom.

Thankfully, it only took me a little while to settle Chloe down, distract her with two bedtime stories instead of the usual one, and she was soon fast asleep.

Fast forward to this morning. Chloe slept in. Isn't it funny how kids always sleep in on days you don't want them to, and never sleep in on the days you wish they would?

So, we scurried around getting Chloe dressed, hair done, breakfast eaten, and after a few photos, it was time to head to school.

I actually think that Chloe sleeping late this morning was God's blessing to me, because being hurried to get her to school took my mind off of the fact that she's going to preschool. She's not a baby anymore, but instead a big girl. She's a preschooler.

We took all the standard photos. Photos of the big preschooler all dressed and ready for school...

of the backpack, complete with her name...

a photo in front of the {very sunny} school sign...

And by the school building...

photos of Chloe at her locker...

and at her desk...

photos of Chloe learning the morning routine from her teacher...

Needless to say, Chloe was ecstatic to finally be at school, with the big kids.

There was one very teary little boy, crying for his mom and not wanting her to leave. Chloe asked me, "What's wrong with that little boy, mommy?" I explained that some kids actually miss their parents while they're away at school. That this little boy may be a bit scared to be at school. Chloe responded, very matter-of-fact, "But, it's fun mom! School is so very, very fun! And he'll see his mommy later."

And in a way, her impromptu speech about that little boy can be applied to this mom, as I type away at the keyboard, tears welling up in my eyes. School is fun, and I'll see my happy, confident, outgoing, fearless little girl later. And she'll be just fine.

But I will still miss her, and I still feel that she's turned three in the blink of an eye. Time goes by so very fast, and I continue to pray that the Lord will continue to impart on my heart the desire and longing to cherish every moment. For before you know it, your baby isn't a baby anymore. She's a preschooler...


  1. It's hard sending them off to preschool! I waited until Eva was four, and she's only going two days a week! I'd pass along my tissues, but I still haven't gotten over dropping her off yet!

  2. It is DARLING that they have LOCKERS!!! I got misty too - but seeing how much fun they have?? I can't (won't?) emulate that :)

  3. She looked adorable today! Just know she's around the corner from me if something ever comes up. :)

  4. oh I feel your pain :) My baby is 4! and she is our last :( How wonderful to see how confident Chloe is - that must make you feel really great! I cannot believe how grown up Chloe looks in these (gorgeous) photos! She is just stunning, even with such different coloring she is her mother's daughter!

  5. Chloe is ADORABLE! oh my, how sweet is she standing there with a big smile on her face. I'd be teary too...it's always a little bitter sweet for me.

  6. Well thanks Angie, now I'M tearing up! :)

    Chloe just looks absolutely gorgeous and thrilled and excited and everything you could want for the first day. So incredibly precious!

  7. I think tomorrow morning I'll know all too well what you felt yesterday and my boy will be the boy crying.

    I'm guessing you count the minutes until they come home?

    This was a great reminder to me of what pictures to take. Thank you!!

  8. And her dress is way too cute for words!
