Wednesday, October 6, 2010

B&W Wednesday: Cooper Rocks!

I recently posted about a commercial shoot on the business blog for a new clothing line exclusively for boys titled, 'Boys Rock.' I just had to share a couple of images of my Cooper modeling the clothes because he's just too cute not to share. For more from this shoot, check out my photography business blog by clicking here. Thanks for visiting! Check out the other black & white entries over at The Long Road to China!


  1. I always wondered who those cute kids were in ads. Now I know! Just regular kids that are very cute! Nice duds Coop! And nice photos Angie!

  2. Oh my goodness! I love them all...but especially the 2nd from the bottom! Seriously, ALL of your kids could be in modeling!!!

  3. He does rock! What a cute kids and beautiful pictures Angie!

  4. Those are so cute and perfect in black and white!

  5. Oh my gosh, these are fabulous Angie! Love them all. He is one handsome little boy.
    I agree your kids could be modeling.

  6. He looks so handsome modeling! Cute :D

  7. That is one great model! Cool outfit and beautiful shots.

    Erika B

  8. oh he is CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! He looks so much older than 4!

    Beautiful photos! I hope you post some of your kitchen when it's done :)
