Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

I am so behind on my blogging. So much to share, so little time. And since time remains lacking for me these days, I will make this a 'few-words, many-photos' post of my trick-or-treaters. I think the photos speak for themselves.

So without further ado, here is my little pumpkin...

my fairy princess...

my Batman...

and last, but not least, my cowboy...

Oh how I love this crew of kiddos!

Really, I look at these photos and my heart bursts with joy. And with overwhelming humility that the Lord would bless Jason and I with such a great bunch of beautiful kids. Blessed, indeed.


  1. Quite the crew! Gabe's silly face made me laugh out loud. I ate lunch with Kinz today and he so sweetly walked past me and did a little wave. It melted my heart!

  2. Ha! Thanks for sharing, Shawna :) Gabe continues to be a little charmer, so doesn't surprise me one bit that he was making sure to say hi to you ;) He knows how to work it!! ha!

  3. What wonderful pictures of your kids! Love every single one. I had a Batman show up at my house too. He was a bit scared on Halloween night. He rather stay at home with mom then go out for treats.

  4. For cute!! They sure are a great looking group of kids ;)

  5. They are super cute & super silly! Their costumes were all perfect for them this year and of course, great pictures of them :)
