Monday, December 13, 2010

Dare Devil

All of our kids have been climbers. Remember this post from when Chloe was in the climbing stage? Well, Gavin is no exception. It took him a little longer than his siblings to get started, but now he just won't stop. Gavin climbs up on the fireplace hearth, then onto the couch. He climbs up onto the toy box, then onto his sister's bed. And then he climbs up onto the chair, and proceeds to the top of the table. It's a full time job just removing Gavin from the heights he reaches over and over and over again, everyday. Yesterday his climbing got the best of him...

{Doesn't he look like he's thinking, " photos please."}

I looked over just as Gavin was gripping the chair he'd climbed onto that was tipping over backwards. I ran to him and watched in what seemed to be slow motion as his chair fell. Before I could reach him, the poor little guy had landed face down onto the floor. I'm not sure if Gavin's face hit the back of the chair, the floor, or both, but it sure hit hard! And we have tile floors...ouch!

It's amazing how these accidents always happen when Jason is gone and I'm left to try to remain calm for the other kids while tending to the accident victim. I'm not sure I did a great job of remaining calm this time, since Chloe was running around the house yelling, "Oh no! I don't want Gavin to die!" and Cooper was bringing me the phone to dial, "the police and the hospital guys to come help!" Yes, I think the swollen spot in the center of Gavin's eyes and his uncharacteristic screaming fit for ten minutes got the best of me. I feel so bad when I look at his happy and very swollen little face. It really does only take a few seconds for a toddler to get themselves into trouble.

Yet Gavin continues to smile. I think he could win an award for happiest baby. We are always getting asked, "Is he always this happy?" The answer is, 'YES!' Even with a head injury...

Regardless, the head injury isn't all bad. Gavin is being nursed back to health by his sister. Chloe has been so sweet to Gavin, bringing him his cup or some snacks, making sure he's entertained and comfortable. And I think he might be liking it just a bit...

{I just love this photo because this is so authentic of Chloe & Gavin. Chloe, attempting to hold her hair out of her face, and Gavin smiling with food in his hands. What a pair!}


  1. Oh I hate head wounds! Ack! I really don't think there is any way a real mom can "stay calm" in a situation that involves one, especially when she's the only adult and has to deal with it solo! Great Job!! It looks so sore. But, he does look happy again. :-)

  2. oooooooooooooooo poor baby and poor Mama!! That just makes me wince to see it, I can't imagine seeing it happen! Though if he's anything like most boys, this won't slow him down one little bit!

  3. ouch! poor little guy! He is so stinkin' cute even with that bruise. I think it hurts us more!!!

  4. Owie! Poor guy. I am glad he was back to smiles fairly quick. I hope you have recovered too.

    Mason used to have those jammies and Alyssa had the same shirt as Chloe, we have great taste, don't we:)?
