Thursday, December 2, 2010

Family Photos - November 2010

I have been booked solid this past fall with photo shoots every week. I was averaging four photo shoots a week, and that's coming from this so-called 'part-time' photographer! When you consider four days of shooting, and all the editing that comes after those sessions, I was definitely much more than a part timer the past two months! Just check out my photography blog and you'll see why this blog has been neglected!

Anyway, because of the busy schedule, I actually booked a session for my own family to get photos for this year's Christmas cards. I knew that if it wasn't on my calendar, I'd put it off until it was too late. So, a few weeks back, before this bitter cold hit, Jason and I gathered up our kiddos, headed to our field, and took some photos. Gabe took this one of us...

Then I took one of each of the kids...

And finally I set up the timer and took some of the whole family. It's always hilarious when the timer is set up. Boy, how I need a remote timer. Instead, I run back and forth between the family and the tripod trying over and over again to get just one photo where everyone is looking. Here's one of the better ones, which you'll notice on the header above. {Yes, I know! A new blog post AND a new 'look' for the blog! I'm on a roll today!}

For the above family photo, I actually had Gabe run back and forth between the camera to press the timer button each time. I tried once, but it wasn't very easy piling kids on top of me every time I returned. I'm sure I have some outtakes of that...I'll have to search the originals! ha!

I am saving the family photo I used for the Christmas cards for later, when I actually get the cards addressed and mailed out. Not to say the photo I chose to use for the cards is better than the above photo...just different. But after the cards are mailed out, I'll post THE family card photo and the actual card design. For now, enjoy this last one of the kids...

I hope your Christmas season is starting off Merry & Bright!


  1. AAAAA! Perfect as always!! The whole look is wonderful. Can't wait to see the 'outtakes'! Gabe does a great job, you may have a budding photographer there :)

  2. Oh my word! These pictures turned out soooo good! The field is just perfect! I can't wait to see your Christmas card!

  3. You are so talented!!! Your family shot is wonderful and such a funny "running" story to go with it! :)

  4. I forgot to mention yesterday that I really like how everyone is dressed in a different style but it all flows so beautifully. Well done!

  5. The best "camera related" thing I have ever bought (& the cheapest) was a remote for the timer :=) You guys did great without it though! And Gabe is a great helper!

    LOVE the family shot. I love that it is YOUR field too - that makes it even more special!
