Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Introducing Charlotte

A lot has happened since I last posted. Yes, we finished the remodeling of our main level...enough to live in it for Christmas anyway. I will save the 'photo tour' until some more of the finishing touches are completed. But first, I'd like to share with you an addition to our family. No, not a child, although I'm sure my husband would love for that to be the case. And it is about time for another child, according to our two-year addition rate anyway. But I digress. Our new addition is none other than a puppy affectionately named Charlotte by our kiddos...

If you remember, our Saint Bernard Samson passed away this past spring. {If not, you can click on the previous link in blue and read about our Sam.} Was that ever a hard loss. Sam was our baby before we had babies. He was our first 'child' and was always a staple in our family from the time the kids were born, not only making Samson's passing hard for Jason and I, but for the kids too.

Ever since then, the kids had shared from time to time how they would love to have a dog again someday. Not to replace Samson, but to have a new dog to get to know and love. Well, for this dog-lover, the kids didn't have to do too much convincing.

I secretly began researching in late summer. I knew our next dog would be a soft coated wheaten terrier. This breed has all the wonderful personality traits of a Saint Bernard...loyal, good with children, loves to be with the family, playful yet gentle. But none of the physical downfalls...massive drooling and shedding. And when I found puppies in Des Moines that would be available in time for Christmas, Jason and I knew that one of them would be our new pup.

My friend and I, along with Gavin {my only child who can keep a secret because he's too young to tell} traveled to meet the breeder half way and pick up the pup. I was immediately in love and knew the kids would be too. Especially Gabe, our oldest son, who took Sam's passing the hardest and who just loves animals.

After two weeks of 'hiding' our pup, first at my parent's house, then Jason's parent's house, we discovered just how in love Gabe would be. Not that the other kids weren't happy too. It's just Gabe's reaction was over-the-top. See for yourself and watch the video clip of the kids meeting Charlotte for the very first time.

Just a little background information about the video...I took the kids for a drive, while Jason brought Charlotte to our house and got her all ready. He set up the camcorder to capture this first meeting, and are we ever glad he did.

Gabe may not like this video clip much when he's say 16, but right now he thinks it's funny. All the giggling you hear is our seven-year-old son Gabe, not a high-pitched little girl as you may think. 'Giddy as a school girl' pretty much says it all...

The giggling continued long after this short clip ended. Gabe's reaction was priceless. And I think it's safe to say, Charlotte is loved by all four kids...

And I think it's also safe to say that Charlotte's puppy energy is no match for my four kids. They know how to tire a puppy out...


  1. OH MY WORD! Crying happy tears here! I am soooo excited that you got another puppy! I have never seen a baby Wheaten before, and she is just adorable!

  2. I have a soft coated wheaten terrier! this is one of your best decision of life!



  3. she is cute, cute, cute!!!!!!!! Did she have a sister that got left behind?


  4. Oh Ang, that was SUPER cute! I had to watch it TWICE!!! There's nothing like the joy of a child meeting their new pet for the first time...especially when they don't have a CLUE what's coming!! Just precious. What a cute puppy...and even CUTER kiddos! I'm glad you and Jason were smart enough to have the camera rolling, too... just PRICELESS!

    Enjoy your new furry family member... looks like the PERFECT fit! :)

  5. Oh my. I completely teared up watching your video! Gabe was so happy! The pup is adorable, too. The kids liked watching your movie, too.

  6. and I SO would have brought your puppy home from Des Moines!

  7. Oh my goodness. that was so cute. I got tears in my eyes :)

    My sister has a wheaton - love them!!! The name Charlotte is adorable!

    Now you have me thinking we might need a new puppy . . . .

    Happy New Year!
