Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh My Darling, Clementine.

My kids love these...

We keep a constant supply of clementines this time of year and go through at least one box a week. The best thing about them is how easy it is for the kids to peel them all by themselves, unlike oranges which still requires mom's help. Believe me, any task I can make simpler and less time consuming with four kids is treasured!

I thought most kids would conquer the clementines themselves, but I discovered that is not the case when Cooper brought them to school for his snack choice. I guess I took our experienced clementine eating for granted. The teacher said a few of the kids tried to eat them with the peel. {Yuck!} And some needed the teacher's help to peel them, which I'm sure would cause even the nicest of teachers to grumble silently at me a bit. {Note to self: No more clementines to school for snack!}

Regardless, we love clementines. They always bring a smile to my kids' faces...


  1. I bought a box and ate a bunch of them in one day, probably 10 or more.. ended up with blisters in my mouth :[

  2. Honestly I think it's a sad state of affairs when kids don't know what a clementine is and how to eat one! Our kids gobble them up!

    OH and I have to tell you this, I saw the recent issue of Parenting Magazine and the girl on the cover looks EXACTLY like Chloe! EXACTLY. I even picked it up, saw that it said "cover winner" and thought "I wonder why Angie never mentioned winning this" then opened it and saw that it's another little girl entirely! Very trippy!

  3. We love them too - though my kids are on an orange kick at the moment (they are older than yours and all but our 4 year old can peel them :)

    Some children's Mom's tend to do more for them than we do I think . . .

  4. Oh my son is so picky but thankfully the one thing he will eat is his fruits and veggies! Oranges are his favorite- especially clemtines and mandarin oranges.

    Love your blog. Following now and visiting from Football and Fried Rice! Have a fabulous day!
