Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gavin - 20 months old

Our youngest, Gavin, is 20-months-old this month. And I was thinking, I've never had a 20-month-old and NOT been pregnant with the next! Isn't that crazy! We're really messing up our kids-every-two-years schedule! ha!

But I don't think Gavin minds being mom's only 'little' one. He's such a happy little ham! He's always clapping, or dancing, or spinning in a circle. He's often saying, "Look!" and wanting me to follow him so that he can show me something he's discovered or done. He's very affectionate, and loves to snuggle and give hugs. And he's always giving me those huge puppy dog eyes...

Gavin, my little heart-breaker!


  1. your Gavin is YUMMY!!!! And Yeah, what's the deal with breaking the every two year pattern????

  2. Heartbreaker indeed. Those peeps could melt the North Pole. What a gorgeous little man.

  3. What a sweetie! Enjoy the time with your littlest! It is amazing to think about those milestones that you realize that before you've always made them with your other children while being pregnant or a new-mom. I've been having those revelations recently too. It does really change how things are savored and enjoyed ... for goodness sake you have ENERGY--ha!
    Beautiful photos of your man :-)

  4. What a little cutie pie!

    I know exactly what you mean about 20 months....mine was 18 months.

    I agree with Valerie...sure is more energy! :)

  5. He is adorable...those eyes are an amazing blue! What a sweetheart!!!

  6. You have such gorgeous children! Those are are do dreamy..... :-)

  7. Gavin is soooooooooo precious!!! Seriously you have doll babies!

  8. What gorgeous pictures of your little man. will he always be the baby???

  9. oh he is so g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s. really.

    lovelovelovelove these photos. those eyelashes. sigh.

    what's taking you so long to work on the next one??

    xo ellie

  10. Could he be any more precious?!

  11. Love the hat! Reminds me of Great-Grandpa. :-)
