Thursday, August 18, 2011

First day of school, 2011

I have a first grader and a third grader this year. (And, a four-year-old preschooler, but she doesn't start school for another week and a half.) As always, it's hard for me to send the kids off to school. What can I say...I miss them while they're gone. I miss their laughter, the funny things they say, their goofy jokes, the way they need me. And the older they get, the less they need me. Or so it seems.

But, as much as they are becoming independent, they still need me to be here for them. To listen when they have a problem. To have those fresh baked cookies ready that they've come to expect upon arrival home from the first day of school. To drive them here and there. To tuck them into bed at night. But most importantly, they need me to love them and pray for them. To be a prayer warrior for them, petitioning God on their behalf to help them be lights in a dark world and to grow strong and firm in their faith in Him. 

I pray that they would be 'taught of the Lord' and great will be their peace (Isaiah 54:13.) That they would hide His Word in their hearts (Psalm 119:11.) That God would fill them with the knowledge of His will so they can walk in a way that’s pleasing to Him and their life will bear fruit (Col. 1:9.) I pray all these things and so much more for my kiddos. And I pray for myself and for my husband, that we would raise them up in the way the Lord would want us to. What a huge responsibility parenting is, after all.

So today, I send my kiddos off to yet another first day of school. And I pray.

A little tired this morning...


  1. My two will be starting on Monday. I hope your boys had a wonderful day at school. Love your photos of their first day.

  2. Adorable back to school post! I love, love, love the apples and personalized backpack!

    Hope you have a great fall!

  3. Awwww, the apple photos are SO fun! But the one with their arms around each other--priceless!
    Hope they had a great first day. Brayden did ... Easton is still super-duper bummed that all his friends won't be in his class. I've assured him that they will still have the same recesses ... it's just like they are in a different sections with a different teacher--although that did not convince him that all would be okay. (sigh)
    Beautiful post!

  4. Wonderful photos, the boys are so cute! It's hard to send them off, but to know you've got them covered in prayer makes it a little easier.

    Mine start back this coming Wednesday, with Connor starting K-4 the Tuesday after that.

  5. Great back to school pictures! I also have a 1st and 3rd grader this year.

  6. Great photos Angie. and a great reminder to P.R.A.Y. for my children. It is crazy being away from them so much of the day - but God is with them and His plan for their lives is perfect!

    I love the apple photos! very very cute :)

    xo ellie

  7. Sigh. Me, too- it's sad to see them go! Cute boys on their first day of school!
