Monday, August 1, 2011

My baby is 2!

Gavin turned two yesterday. TWO! 
Where have the past two years gone? 

When I think about Gavin, I think about the what if's. 
What if I had stuck with my gut reaction after getting my girl in my third child and had really stopped there. 
What if I had never gotten pregnant again. 
What if I hadn't had Gavin.
I can't even imagine my life without his precious, ever-present smile. 

Gavin's joy has taught our family so much. 
It's a constant reminder of the joy we need to experience in Christ everyday, 
no matter how busy we are. 
No matter the stresses that fill our days, we cannot let our joy be diminished.
Gavin is truly a blessing each and everyday.

Your brothers adore you.
Your sister adores you.
Your mom and dad adore you.
Thank God that He convinced me that four isn't too many. 
Happy birthday to you, big boy!


  1. It seems like just yesterday he was a tiny baby and I was wondering how you were able to get your figure back so quickly. :)

    We *thought* we were done at two, but each time we add another child to our family I wonder how I ever thought I could live without them. Amazing how that works....
