Thursday, March 29, 2012

My baby is 9!

Nine years. Has it really been nine years? I can barely remember life before I was a mommy, so maybe it seems like longer. Yet, when I think about my baby boy, my oldest child turning 9 today, I can't believe it.

I remember when Gabe was a newborn like it was yesterday. Then a toddler, a preschooler, a kindergartner, and now a third grader! Where does the time go? A friend reminded me last night that next year Gabe will be in the double digits, and...I cried. Yes, cried. It's not that I don't want him to grow up. I look forward to seeing Gabe continue to grow and mature, to experience new things and to achieve all that the Lord has planned for him. Yet, I am sad as I think he is becoming a young man and isn't my baby anymore. But as any other mother knows, he'll always be my baby ;)

I want to wish my first-born a happy 9th birthday today. I couldn't ask for a better son or a better role model to our three other kiddos. Gabe is kind, caring, thoughtful, funny, courteous and helpful. Gabe is an amazing athlete and such a hard worker. And Gabe is a great friend not only to his schoolmates, but also to his own brothers and sister. When I think of how I see the Lord shaping Gabe and Gabe allowing God to use him already at such a young age, my heart seriously bursts with joy. Gabe, with the help of a youth leader at church, had the privilege of leading a friend to Christ for the first time this past year at the tender age of eight. He is not ashamed of his faith and gladly shares the joy he knows in the Lord with others. If how the Lord is working in Gabe's life already is any indication, I'm excited to see what God has in store for his future, as I know the best is yet to come. We love you Gabe!


  1. Happy Birthday Gabe! Such a handsome young man and what an awesome heart! How wonderful to know that you brought your friend to Christ!!

  2. Happy birthday! I hope it was a great day!
